Z MED Medical Air System
4107 9022 67.00
2.0 Installation
2.8.4 Node Connector Cabling
For the connectors in the middle of the network,
connect the wires as follows (See FIG. 2.8.4 Mid-
dle Wiring Connections):
Incoming Wire
Blue wires to terminal GND
White/Orange wires to terminal 1C-
Orange wires to terminal 1C+
FIG 2.8.3 Beginning/End Wiring Connection
FIG 2.8.3a Connector Switch Setting
Outgoing wire
Blue wires to terminal GND
White/Orange wires to terminal 2C-
Orange wires to terminal 2C+
Make sure that the wire shielding touches
the shielding plate of the connector. Close the
connectors and set the terminating switch “OFF”
(See FIG. 2.8.4a Connector Switch Setting) Plug
the connector into the LAN port on the back of
the Elektronikon controller.