WAM Arm – User’s Manual
© 2008 Barrett Technology®, Inc.
Document: D1001, Version: AH.00
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Section 1.2) such as an external computer and the WAM Wrist (Figure 11) are available to replace
these (though both standard options will still be included so that you may always switch between
configurations at any time).
Figure 2 - Blank Outer Link
The WAM’s internal computer has the following specifications:
Mainboard: PFM-540I
Processor Type: AMD Geode LX800 x86 @ ~500MHz
Memory: 256MB
(4MB of that is used as a video framebuffer).
Hard drive: 2GB, CompactFlash
Kernel: Linux patched with Xenomai 2.4-rc5
Distro: Slax 5.1.8
Expansion Card: PEAK-System PC/104 CAN Card, 2 ports
Wireless: Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g
Ethernet: 10/100 Base-T
1.1.4 Tool-End
The WAM™ comes with three endpoint (tool-end) attachments that can be used to change the
setup and shape of the WAM™ Arm: the Haptic Ball, the Tool Plate, and the CAN Termination.
These items in general will be attached to either the Outer Link (Figure 2) or WAM Wrist (Figure
11). Figure 3 shows the end plates of both the Wrist and Outer Link. The wires and connector
coming out of the centers are for running the optional Barrett Hand. If using the Outer Link
the Barrett Hand, the wiring can simply be pushed inside the large open cavity. If using
the Wrist
the Barrett Hand, the wires should be coiled neatly in the small cavity and the
Wrist Plug installed to keep the wires from getting pinched.
Figure 3 - End Plates of Wrist and Outer Link
Wrist Plug
Rotate this
direction to
attach tool
Rotate this
direction to
remove tool