WAM Arm – User’s Manual
© 2008 Barrett Technology®, Inc.
Document: D1001, Version: AH.00
27 of 80
Torque limits to trigger a shutdown
Joint velocity limits to trigger a shutdown
Endpoint and elbow velocity limits to trigger a shutdown
For a more in-depth description of the WAM library API, please see the Doxygen documentation
provided with the source code.
4.2 File System Layout
The Barrett Technology robot control client software (btclient) is divided into multiple parts:
examples/ - example source code for robot control software development
doc/ - source code documentation, Doxygen (HTML/RTF) **
lib/ - location of library binaries
include/ - common include directory for libraries
src/btsystem/ - software library with general robot routines*
src/btwam/ - software library with WAM-specific routines*
src/btutil/ - utility for enumerating the motor controllers, restoring defaults, updating
src/btdiag/ - the primary robot diagnostic application (and demo program)
*If you edit the btsystem or btwam libraries, the procedure to recompile is:
make lib; make install
**To rebuild the Doxygen documentation:
cd btclient/src; doxygen config.dox
4.3 The Configuration File (wam.conf)
The configuration file (wam.conf) is read by the OpenWAM() function to set up the operating
parameters for the WAM. This file must be located in the same directory as your executable
application and may be a symbolic link to a configuration file that describes your particular WAM
parameters. If you add or remove the wrist, or change any link or tool masses, you will need to
edit your active configuration file. You should take a look at this file to familiarize yourself with
its contents. It contains the default home position, the Denavit-Hartenberg parameters, and the
inertial parameters, and many other useful robot parameters.
4.4 Operating
The WAM has a number of operating modes (key commands apply to the btdiag application):
IDLE/POSITION (press 'p' to toggle)
In IDLE mode, the WAM does not try to maintain its present position. In POSITION mode, it will
try to maintain its position using a PID controller.
JOINT/CARTESIAN (press <tab> to toggle)
In JOINT mode, the WAM will report joint angles (in radians) and control joint torques (in Nm).
In CARTESIAN mode, it will report the end-effector position in world coordinates (in meters) and
control tool forces (in Newtons). In both cases, the Move command executes a trapezoidal velocity
profile and generates a stream of torque commands based on position error.
Move command arguments for JOINT mode must be entered in units of radians. In CARTESIAN
mode, the units are meters from the world frame origin. All arguments should be specified and
comma-separated: 4 arguments for a 4-DOF JOINT Move, 7 arguments for a 7-DOF JOINT
Move, 12 arguments for any CARTESIAN Move. See examples/ex5-SimpleMove for more detail.
GRAVITY-COMPENSATION (press 'g', enter a scaling value)