WAM Arm – User’s Manual
© 2008 Barrett Technology®, Inc.
Document: D1001, Version: AH.00
48 of 80
7.5 Full Communication Example
This example contains:
3 motors with IDs of 5, 6, and 7
A host with an ID of 0
Host sends:
MsgID [10000000000]
Group 0
Data [10000101] [00000000] [00000010] [0000000]
Set property 5 (STAT) to 2
The motors start up with STAT = 0 (STATUS_RESET)
Setting STAT to READY gets the motors ready to receive additional data
Motors will only respond to STAT and VERS commands while in RESET (for safety)
Host sends:
MsgID [10000000000]
Group 0
Data [10001000] [00000000] [00000010] [00000000]
Set property 8 (MODE) to 2
The motors default to MODE = 0 (MODE_IDLE)
Setting MODE to MODE_TORQUE tells the motors to apply any torque sent to them
When MODE = MODE_IDLE, motors will ignore any torque commands sent and apply braking
When using a WAM, the safety system will set the MODE when you press the
Do not try to bypass the WAM’s safety system by setting the MODE directly, this will cause
undesired operation.
Host sends:
MsgID [10000000000]
Group 0
Data [00110000]
Get property 48 (P)
Motors send:
MsgID [10010100011]
From ID 5 to Group 3
Data [00000000] [00000000] [0000010]
My position is 2 encoder counts
MsgID [10011000011]
From ID 6 to Group 3
Data [00000000] [00000000] [0000111]
My position is 7 encoder counts
MsgID [10011100011]
From ID 7 to Group 3
Data [00111111] [11111111] [11111110]
My position is -2 encoder counts
Host uses these positions to calculate a torque.
Host sends:
MsgID [10000000010]
Group 2
Data [10101010] [AAAAAAaa] [aaaaaaBB] [BBBBbbbb] [bbbbCCCC] [CCcccccc]
[cc000000] [00000000]
Set torques to new values AAAAAAaaaaaaaa, etc.