Foot and Legwork, Level 1
10 reps
Springs: 2 long purple springs from the bottom on Push-through Bar
Safety strap on
Breath – inhale push, exhale return
Spine to mat or neutral spine
Leg, ankle and foot alignment
Calf and hamstring flexibility
Foot, ankle and lower leg strength
Back injuries, knee injuries
Starting Position
Supine on Allegro Tower with feet on Push-through Bar, and springs attached
from low position onto the Push-through Bar
Lie supine with the Push-through Bar in line with anterior hip crease, flex knees,
flex hips, with metatarsals or heels on the bar, and straighten legs and return.
Foot position variations: Heels, Toes
Leg variations: parallel, turned out, v-feet, wide 2nd position, single leg
Lie supine with the Push-through Bar in line with anterior hip crease, hips flexed,
knees bent, metatarsals or toes on the bar.
Push the bar up toward the ceiling straightening the knee, plantarflex the ankle,
dorsiflex the ankle and return.
Variations: parallel, turned out, single leg
Lie supine with Push-through Bar in line with anterior hip crease, legs straight,
metatarsals or toes are on bar, plantarflex and dorsiflex the ankles.
Variations: parallel, turned out, single leg, running in place
Plantarflexion - alternating legs
Plantarflexion - 2 legs