Rollback, Level 1
10 reps Springs: 1 – 2 Bar: None Loops: Short
Breath - exhale roll down/inhale roll up or inhale down/exhale up
Spinal flexibility
Abdominal strength
Shoulders down
Neck long
Soft hip flexors
Back injuries, neck injuries, hip flexor injuries. Be cautious with osteoporosis
Comfortable in spinal flexion
Starting position
Seated facing ropes, knees bent, loops in hands with arms straight and elbows
Standard Exercise
Hold loops with arms straight, roll down, curving back and staying lifted, roll
back up maintaining slight flexion in spine
Oblique Variation
Rotate knees to one side and torso to the other, roll down, switch rotation and
roll up
Arm work Variations
Roll back and with low back on carriage add bicep curls or deltoid lifts for 3 reps, roll up
Hundred, All Levels
10 sets Springs: 1 – 3 Bar: None Loops: Regular Headrest: Up
Percussive breathing - in for 5, out for 5
Stable pelvis – imprinted or neutral
Hollow abdominals
Abdominal strength
Shoulders down
Neck long
Back injuries, neck injuries, hip flexor injuries, osteoporosis
Hundred on the mat
Starting Position
Lying supine on carriage, knees at 90 degrees, hands in loops, arms to ceiling
Level 1
Knees bent at 90 degrees, reach arms to sides as the head and upper body lift off
the carriage, pulse arms with breath
Level 2
Legs straight up to ceiling, reach arms to sides as the head and upper body lift off
the carriage, pulse arms with breath
Level 3
Reach arms to sides as the head and upper body lift off the carriage, straighten
legs to ceiling then lower legs keeping low back on mat, pulse arms with breath