Pulling Straps, Level 1
4 – 8 reps Springs: 1 - 2 springs Box: Long Loops: Regular
Bar: Low or none
Breath – inhale pull, exhale release
Hip bones to mat
Hollow abdominals
Triceps, latissimus, lower trap and upper back strength
Head in line
Scapula placement
Leg and torso alignment
Shoulder, elbow and wrist injuries, some back problems
Ability to lie prone
Starting Position
Lie prone on long box with chest off front edge of box, foot bar down, facing
ropes, grasp ropes.
Arms down
Pull ropes to hips along edge of carriage
Arms out to sides
Pull ropes to hips with arms extended out to the side
Upper back lift
Pull ropes along edge of carriage and lift upper back
Triceps press
Pull ropes to hips along edge of carriage, keeping elbows in place, flex and
extend the elbow
Swan (Level 2)
Starting Position:
Prone on long box, facing low or middle footbar, hands on bar.
Press out to straight arms, press down on the bar to lift into back extension, press
torso back to flat, bend elbows.
Pulling Straps
Pulling Straps with Upper Back Lift