Rollbacks, Level 1
-10 Reps
Springs: 2 long yellow or 2 short yellow springs from high position
Rollback Bar or handles
Breathing – exhale roll down, inhale at the bottom, exhale to roll up
Balance between abdominals and lumbar extensors
Soft neck and shoulders
Maintain C-curve
Soft hip flexors
Shoulder and neck problems, some low back problems, osteoporosis
Starting position
Sit facing Tower, holding on to bar or handles, knees soft, feet on metal bars.
Standard Exercise
Hold bar with arms straight, roll down, curving back and staying lifted, roll back
up maintaining slight flexion in spine
Oblique Variations
Wooden bar (Water skiing)
Sit diagonally on table, place left foot against pole, cross right foot over ankle,
place left hand on bar and reach right arm open while rotating torso to the right.
Roll down and up maintaining rotation, then switch sides.
Roll Backs
Water skiing
Definition of Exercise Set-up Terms
Level: The level of expertise needed to undertake exercise.
How many times the exercise is performed.
Number and location of springs on the Allegro Tower.
Which loops should be used during exercise.*
What should be emphasized during exercise.
Physical conditions that may limit or exclude a participant.
Exercises may need to be modified for people with these conditions.
Specific exercises that must be mastered before undertaking a
new exercise.
Starting Position:
Where to begin the exercise on the Allegro Tower.
*If applicable
Allegro Tower Exercises