Kneeling Abdominals, Levels 1-2
10 reps Springs: 0 – 2 Bar: None Loops: None
Breath – Exhale as knees pull in/ inhale to return to starting position
Pelvic stability
Abdominal strength
Pelvic stability
Scapular stability
Shoulder, elbow and wrist problems, inability to kneel
Mat all fours hollowing (pregnant cat abdominals)
Starting position
Kneel on all fours facing straps with hands on the edges of the frame
Standard Exercise (flat back)
Face straps with knees against shoulder rests, keeping spine neutral and parallel
to the ground, pull carriage toward the head by flexing at the hips
Variation – Oblique 1
Place both hands on one frame allowing torso to side bend and rotate while
keeping hips as square as possible, pull both legs in increasing the movement of
the torso
Variation – Single leg 1
Lift one leg off carriage and extend it in a staight line behind you, keeping
the shoulders as square as possible pull one leg in maintaining a neutral back
Starting position, facing straps
Flat Back
Oblique 1
Single Leg 1