INstAll mAt coNversIoN PAd
(Part# AL3000)
Disconnect all the carriage springs.
Move the carriage to the head-end of the Allegro frame and clear the
ropes out of the way.
Lift the headrest over the top of the frame to insure that the carriage is
positioned all the way to the head-end. (see Figure 9).
Place the mat in the open space between the standing platform and the
carriage edge.
NOTE: Be sure the standing platform is properly
secured with the latch when using the mat
conversion. Remove the shoulder rests from
the carriage (optional).
Figure 8
4” Eyebolt
Nylock nut
NstAll tHe Pulleys
Install the riser/pulley assembly
as shown in Figure 7. The spacers
and washers should be positioned
through the Tower frame. To install
the pulleys you will need:
2 long black knobs (also referred to
as “pulley knobs”)
2 eye-loops/pulley/spacer
4 plastic washers
2 spacers
Figure 7
tHreAdINg tHe roPes
NOTE: If you are retrofitting the Tower to an existing Allegro you will use
your existing ropes.
Be sure that the springs are attached so the carriage is secure. Place the
large loop of the Allegro cotton loops over the shoulder rests. The D-ring
attached to the loops should point toward the risers. The ropes have a
metal snap on one end. Connect the metal snap to the D-ring on the
cotton loop. Thread the free end of the rope as follows:
• Thread the rope through the pulley top and around the pulley, then
back through the nearest eye strap on the carriage.
• Push the rope into the cam cleat, and then through the eye strap
furthest from the risers.
• Pull the end of the rope until there is no slack left. Repeat on the other
To lengthen the rope, lift it out of the cam cleat, adjust the rope to
the desired length, and then push the rope back into the cam cleat. To
shorten the rope, pull on the free end of the rope.
INstAll tHe sPrINg “stANd-oFFs” Assembly
(Part# 700-004)
The spring “stand-offs” are used for bottom sprung PTB exercises. They
are installed in the small hole at the head-end of the Allegro frame that
is used for the riser attachment pin.
Remove the Nylock nuts from the eyebolt assemblies.
Insert the eyebolts through the holes in the Allegro frame so the spacer
fits snugly against the outside of the frame.
Using a wrench or pliers, thread and securely tighten the Nylock nut on
the inside of the frame (see Figure 8).
usINg tHe Pre-INstAlled PusH-tHrougH bAr sAFety strAP
(Part# SS6018)
The PTB safety strap is used only for top-sprung PTB exercises. The
illustration at right shows the
safety strap correctly used to
secure the push-through bar.
The strap includes numerous
loops or “contact points”
so that you can adjust the
“stopping point” of the PTB
when it is released during
The Allegro Tower comes
with a standard three-sided
PTB. For users looking for
increased PTB function and
flexibility, Balanced Body can
provide an additional insert
shaft in order to create a four-
sided PTB. To order, call 1
Eye-loop, pulley
and Spacer
Installation of Adjustable Pulley
Push-through Bar secured to the Tower using the
safety strap
INstAll tHe stANdINg PlAtForm lAtcH
(Part #600-013)
It is critical to secure the Allegro standing platform when using the mat
conversion. Install the standing platform latch kit before using the mat
conversion. See separate instructions included with latch kit.
Figure 9
Installation of the large mat on the Allegro.
Mat Pad
shoulder rests
Slide carriage toward