AttAcH tHe strAP to tHe
Lengthen the strap by moving
the adjustable belt clip to the
end of the strap.
Drape the strap over your index
finger so that the strap ends
are hanging equally on both
sides. Using your other hand,
pinch the strap about six inches
below your finger, creating a
loop. Remove your index finger.
Push the loop through the
opening of the eye-fastener
and out the other side. Feed
both strap ends through the
loop and then tighten, creating
a knot around the opening of
the eye-fastener.
mouNt tHe Allegro to tHe
Follow your Allegro or Allegro
Tower instructions for proper
standing procedure.
Move the Allegro against the wall with the footbar pointed away
from the wall or perpendicular to the wall.
Wrap the strap ends around one rail and connect the ends like a
belt, using the adjustable clip. (NOTE: Do not try to wrap the strap
ends around the entire frame – it will not fit.) Pull the slack on the
strap to tighten.
IMPORTANT: Balanced Body is not responsible for any damage or
injury caused by improper wall mount installation, or the use of
incorrect or improper wall mounting equipment.
If you have any questions, please call Balanced Body
at 1-800-PILATES (1-800-745-2587) or
001-916-388-2838 (International).
Loop pushed through the opening of the
How to INstAll your Allegro® wAll securIty strAP
The Allegro® Wall Security Strap is designed to mount on walls
with standard wood framing. If you have a different type of wall
construction (brick, concrete, etc.), it may require a different
fastener. Check with your local hardware store.
PArts INcluded
1 adjustable belt strap (101-000)
1 3 1/2” eye-fastener (GEN9149)
tools you wIll Need
Drill with 1/8” bit (not included)
Phillips or flathead screwdriver (not included)
INstAll tHe eye-FAsteNer
Find a stud in the wall where you would like to stand your Allegro.
Make sure you have ample space on both sides of the stud as well
as above for the Allegro. Using a 1/8” drill bit, pre-drill a hole
into the stud. The hole should be positioned 5’ to 5 1/2’ above the
floor. Secure the eye-fastener into the pre-drilled hole with the
screwdriver until the shaft of the fastener is completely within the
Strap ends fed through the loop