Feet in Straps, Level 1
reps Set up: 2 springs Bar: Any Loops: Regular
Breath - exhale out/inhale in or inhale out/exhale in
Spine to mat or neutral spine
Hollow abdominals
Abdominal strength
Pelvic Stability
Hamstring, adductor and gluteal strength
Hamstring and adductor flexibility
Leg and hip alignment
Hip range of motion
Hip flexor injury, limited hamstring flexibility, back injuries, weak abdominals
Adequate hamstring flexibility, ability to stabilize the back, Hundred
Starting Position
Supine on carriage, loops around arches
Leg lowers
Hips stable, begin with inner thighs together, lower and raise legs
Variations: Legs parallel, turned out or turned in Magic circle or ball between the
Hips stable, begin with inner thighs together, open legs to sides and return
Variations: Legs stay over hips, legs move down toward the bar while carriage
moves (V’s)
Hips stable, begin with inner thighs together, moving legs down and around in
circles or D’s, reverse directions Variations: Legs parallel, turned out or turned in,
or knees in straps
Starting Positions - Leg Lowers 1
Leg Lowers 2
Scissors 1 / Circles 1
Scissors 2
Circles 2
Circles 3