Transit Page
Figure 62: Setup > Transit
Select a transducer from the drop-down list . Transducer transmission frequencies are specific to the type of transducer .
Use for Pipe Sizes
1 MHz
Standard Transducers
2…98 in . (50…2500 mm)
High Temperature Transducers
0 .5 MHz
Large Pipe Transducers
> 16 in . (400 mm)
2 MHz
Small Pipe Transducers
0 .5…2 in . (13…50 mm)
Table 12: Transducer types and frequencies
Transducer Mount
Select the mounting pattern for the transducers from the drop-down list . An appropriate mounting pattern is based on pipe
and liquid characteristics .
The DXN transit time flow meters can be used with these transducer types: DTTR, DTTN, DTTH, DTTL and DTTSU . The DTTR,
DTTN, DTTH or DTTL transducer sets consist of two separate sensors that function as both ultrasonic transmitters and
receivers . DTTSU transducers integrate both sensors into one assembly . All transducers require the separation of the
transmit/receive modules be adjusted to the spacing value calculated during the DXN flow meter setup . DTTR, DTTN and
DTTL transducers are clamped on the outside of a closed pipe at a specific distance from each other .
The DTTN and DTTL transducers can be mounted in:
• W-Mount, where the sound traverses the pipe four times . This mounting method produces the best relative travel time
values but the weakest signal quality .
• V-Mount, where the sound traverses the pipe twice . V-Mount is a compromise between travel time and signal quality .
• Z-Mount, where the transducers are mounted on opposite sides of the pipe and the sound crosses the pipe once .
• Z-Mount, which yields the best signal quality but the smallest relative travel time .
for transducer mounting mode selection starting points .
Required Spacing
The spacing required between transducers is calculated by the firmware after all pipe parameters have been entered .
The value represents the one-dimensional linear measurement between the transducers (the upstream/downstream
measurement that runs parallel to the pipe) . This measurement is taken between the lines that are scribed into the side of the
transducer blocks . The value is in inches for English or millimeters for Metric .
For DTTR or DTTN transducers that are mounted using the transducer track assembly, place one transducer at the 0 mark
etched into the track and the other at the calculated measurement .
Setup Group
Page 49
November 2016