TT Fluid Velocity
Transit time fluid velocity
TT Gain
Transit time automatic gain control override
TT K Custom
Transit time user adjustment
TT K Reynolds
Transit time Reynolds adjustment (always 1, will be 0 .75…1 .00 in future)
TT Margin P
Transit time (future use)
TT Margin X
Transit time, as measured from cross correlation, is the ratio of picked flow peak to the
neighboring flow peak . Numbers near 1 are susceptible to peak hopping
TT Quality
Transit time signal quality
TT Signal Level
Transit time signal level in volts
TT Signals Ratio
Transit time upstream peak / downstream peak . Not always 1 in huge pipes or fast flows
Transit time signal-to-noise-ratio
TT TOD Delta
Transit time time-of-flight delta times is roughly the same as DeltaT (future use)
TT TOF Acoustic
Transit time time-of-flight of the sound (piezo to piezo)
TT TOF Bias Raw
Transit time time-of-flight offset is the difference of the measured TOF fluid vs theoretical
TT TOF Fluid
Transit time time-of-flight of the sound in the fluid
Transit time time-of-flight of the sound in the pipe
TT TOF Signal
Transit time time from center of transmitted of waveform to received center of waveform
Page 111
November 2016