background image

obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you

may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-

free redistribution of the Program by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through

you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely

from distribution of the Program. If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable

under any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply and the

section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. It is not the purpose of this

section to induce you to infringe any patents or other property right claims or to contest validity

of any such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free

software distribution system, which is implemented by public license practices. Many people

have made generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed through that

system in reliance on consistent application of that system; it is up to the author/donor to decide

if he or she is willing to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot

impose that choice. This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a

consequence of the rest of this License. 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is

restricted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original

copyright holder who places the Program under this License may add an explicit geographical

distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or

among countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License Free Software Foundation may

publish revised and/or new versions of the General Public License from time to time. Such new

versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new

problems or concerns. Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program

specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and \"any later version\", you

have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that version or of any later version

published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number

of this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation.

10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free programs whose distribution

conditions are different, write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is

copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we

sometimes make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving

the free status of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse



















DAMAGES. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS How to Apply These Terms to Your New

Programs If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to

Third Party Terms for Avaya 11xx 12xx sw Release 3.0 through 4.0 (Aug - Nov 2010)

Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide

November 2013     279

Summary of Contents for 1165E

Page 1: ...Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide SIP Software Release 4 4 Release 4 4 NN43170 100 Issue 05 01 Standard November 2013...

Page 2: ...YA AFFILIATE AVAYA Heritage Nortel Software Heritage Nortel Software means the software that was acquired by Avaya as part of its purchase of the Nortel Enterprise Solutions Business in December 2009...

Page 3: ...a or the applicable third party Avaya is a registered trademark of Avaya Inc All non Avaya trademarks are the property of their respective owners Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in...

Page 4: ...4 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013 Comments infodev avaya com...

Page 5: ...r optional 40 Connecting the handset 40 Connecting the headset optional 40 Selecting the headset tuning parameter 41 Connecting the LAN ethernet cable 41 Installing additional cables 42 Wall mounting...

Page 6: ...USB headset adapter with HID 82 Third party USB headsets with HID 85 Analog Terminator Adapter for analog 500 2500 type telephone or fax machine 88 Chapter 7 Making a call 91 Making a call using off h...

Page 7: ...anaging calls in the Call Outbox while not on a call 136 Initiating a call from the Call Outbox 136 Deleting calls from your Call Outbox 137 Viewing the details of a call in the Call Outbox 138 Access...

Page 8: ...205 Incoming call privacy 205 Outgoing call privacy 206 Multiple Appearance Directory Number 207 Audio Codecs 208 Audio Codec Selection 209 Audio Codec Ordering 209 PC Client softphone interworking wi...

Page 9: ...rvice Package Group Support 251 Bulk create feature keys based on an existing directory Address Book group 251 View existing groups in your Address Book if you selected Groups 253 View the existing gr...

Page 10: ...T Rex 286 Glossary 287 Index 291 10 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013...

Page 11: ...ed to include information about Busy Lamp Field November 2011 Standard 04 01 This document is up issued to support SIP Software Release 4 3 May 2011 Standard 03 02 This document is up issued to reflec...

Page 12: ...Revision history 12 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013 Comments infodev avaya com...

Page 13: ...ures Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver i...

Page 14: ...y control measures Table 2 Safety Compliance Jurisdiction Standard Description United States UL 60950 1 Safety of Information Technology Equipment Canada CSA 60950 1 30 Safety of Information Technolog...

Page 15: ...ith the equipment or specified by Avaya to be used with the equipment If you use any other equipment it may cause failures malfunctioning or fire Power cords shipped with this equipment must not be us...

Page 16: ...Regulatory and safety information 16 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013 Comments infodev avaya com...

Page 17: ...ineered audio tuning and supports wideband see Note with a newly stylized handset that has been softly contoured for additional comfort when using the handset Note Wideband has dependencies on Avaya C...

Page 18: ...a USB keyboard USB mouse USB headset USB flash drive and powered hubs USB access control USB lock that controls how the USB port on the Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone can be used For more information about...

Page 19: ...ons during tasks and for advanced configuration You can define these keys for specific functions such as Call Forward Note The key on the lower right is reserved as your default line key Context sensi...

Page 20: ...key has the same function as the context sensitive soft keys Select and Set Press the Goodbye Release key to terminate an active call When multiple calls are active press the Goodbye Release key to en...

Page 21: ...gation keys to access the following items 1 Search search in the local directory personal Address Book and the global directory network Address Book for names and telephone numbers 2 Login log in to y...

Page 22: ...P Deskphone when you press a fixed key is as follows Goodbye Release Mute Hold Headset Handsfree and Hookswitch If there is an active established call the key action applies to this active call If the...

Page 23: ...r directly above the soft keys Self labeled means that the label next to the line feature key is presented from the call server automatically if a feature is programmed and can also be edited and chan...

Page 24: ...nd IP Deskphone The following figure shows the soft keys while the 1165E IP Deskphone is in the idle state Figure 2 Context sensitive soft keys when the IP Deskphone is in the idle state Table 3 Menu...

Page 25: ...ive soft keys CallFwd DND Retrve More If you press the More context sensitive soft key from the first menu list twice you access the following context sensitive soft keys ScrnSvr Presnce Prefs More If...

Page 26: ...ur IP Deskphone Prefs Press the Prefs context sensitive soft key to display the Preferences menu The menu items include the following 1 Display use to adjust the display settings of the LCD screen 2 A...

Page 27: ...o quality of an active call Bluetooth Setup Enable Bluetooth enable or disable To unpair Device select UnPair If Bluetooth is enabled select Search devices phone searches the bluetooth devices and lis...

Page 28: ...coming Privacy Outgoing Privacy Ends Dialing Hold Mode Private Time 6 Network use to access the following Server Settings Device Settings Diagnostics Disable screensaver Licensing Lock 7 USB Locks use...

Page 29: ...n the idle screen appear as shown in the following figure Figure 3 Idle display screen after dial pad input Item Function Send Press the Send context sensitive soft key to dial out the user input usin...

Page 30: ...onf context sensitive soft key to obtain a dial tone to place another call during an active call or to make a conference call The Conf context sensitive soft key behaves like the NewCall context sensi...

Page 31: ...first menu list with the following context sensitive soft keys Conf Trnsfer Audio More When you press the More context sensitive soft key for the first time the following context sensitive soft keys a...

Page 32: ...r Licensing Lock 7 USB Locks use to lock or unlock the following USB devices USB Mouse USB Keyboard USB Headset USB flash drive 8 User Settings use to modify the following Call Settings IM Settings Vo...

Page 33: ...the item you want to select and then press the Select soft key Table 5 Navigation keys and functions Key Function Navigation Key Cluster Press the Left or Right arrows on the Navigation Key Cluster t...

Page 34: ...e a character backspace when you enter and edit text Highlight items in a list such as Address Book entries or items in your Call Inbox Scroll lists and message contents when you view Instant Messages...

Page 35: ...are available To determine which features are available or to activate features contact your system administrator or service provider Not all service providers support the entry of a SIP address to i...

Page 36: ...cure connection when you are on an active call The security icon is visible on the 1165E IP Deskphone screen Introduction to the Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone 36 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software...

Page 37: ...00 BaseT Ethernet jack Caution Your IP Deskphone is designed for use in an indoor environment only Caution Do not plug your Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone into an Integrated Service Digital Network ISDN con...

Page 38: ...on of anything other than the proper Expansion Module connector to this port can cause damage to the IP Deskphone Warning Your Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone is shipped with the base locked in position To a...

Page 39: ...s you must remove the stand cover Pull upward on the center catch as indicated in the following figure and remove the stand cover The cable routing tracks are now accessible Figure 8 Remove the stand...

Page 40: ...procedure 1 Form a small bend in the cable 2 Thread the adapter cord through the channels in the stand Connecting the handset Use the following procedure to connect the handset to the IP Deskphone 1 C...

Page 41: ...onics Model number H261N Part number 64339 01 with cable Model Number A10 Part Number 66268 02 Type 2 Monaural and Binaural Headset Monaural Headset Plantronics Model number HW251N Part number 75100 0...

Page 42: ...the following procedure 1 Connect one end of the PC Ethernet cable to your IP Deskphone using the RJ 45 connector marked with the network symbol 2 Thread the cable through the channel marked with the...

Page 43: ...eskphone away from the stand as shown in the following figure Figure 10 Rotate the IP Deskphone into the wall mount position 2 Use the stand cover the part you removed in Removing the stand cover on p...

Page 44: ...unting holes on page 43 Method B 3 Replace the stand cover Ensure that all cables are neatly routed and press the stand cover into place until you hear a click 4 Put the IP Deskphone in the wall mount...

Page 45: ...key You can toggle between numeric and alphabetic input as follows When the context sensitive soft key label is abc you can enter alphabetic text When the context sensitive soft key label is 123 you c...

Page 46: ...right parentheses comma backslash forward slash colon semi colon tilde equal plus 1 numeral 1 Note No letters are associated with the 0 zero key however pressing the 0 key twice inserts a blank space...

Page 47: the Prefs context sensitive soft key and then select Misc Options Highlight Ends Dialing and press the Change context sensitive soft key or 2 Choose one of the following Press the Off context sensi...

Page 48: ...efault 1 Press the Prefs context sensitive soft key and then select Misc Options Highlight Alpha Dialing and then press the Change context sensitive soft key or 2 Choose one of the following Press the...

Page 49: ...keys and the IP Deskphone fixed keys USB Keyboard Key IP Deskphone Fixed Key Esc Quit F1 Services F2 Expand F3 Inbox F4 Outbox F5 Address Book F6 Copy F7 Volume Down F8 Volume Up F9 Mute F10 Hold F11...

Page 50: ...Installing the 1165E IP Deskphone 50 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013 Comments infodev avaya com...

Page 51: ...65E IP Deskphone you must do the following confirm your logon ID enter your password select the duration of this session The Admin password protection for login prompt appears when you power up the ph...

Page 52: ...r user logon and password If this is the case after you plug in the IP Deskphone you can use it without further configuration Note If the IP Deskphone is configured with automatic logon you can not us...

Page 53: ...list The IP Deskphone returns to the Current Domain page and the new domain appears Press the Back context sensitive soft key to keep existing configurations and return to the previous menu Password...

Page 54: ...h up to five languages If the IP Deskphone is provisioned with other languages you can choose an available language during the login process by pressing the Lang context sensitive soft key on the User...

Page 55: ...he IP Deskphone To log on to the IP Deskphone 1 Press the abc 123 context sensitive soft key to toggle between alphabetic or numeric input 2 Use the dialpad to enter your user ID login at the prompt N...

Page 56: ...u can cancel the login process by pressing one of the following keys Cancel Goodbye Quit Configuring the duration of the login After you enter your logon ID and password the Duration screen appears Yo...

Page 57: of the following Use the dialpad to enter the number of hours or days you want to remain logged on and press the Next context sensitive soft key Press the Back context sensitive soft key to return...

Page 58: ...ress the Yes context sensitive soft key to log off immediately Press the No context sensitive soft key to switch to Permanent logon Press the Quit key to dismiss the log out prompt and switch to perma...

Page 59: ...cific settings and data You are prompted to create a User Profile the first time you log on to your IP Deskphone If you delete your User Profile the IP Deskphone reboots and you must log on and create...

Page 60: ...mplete the logon process the logon confirmation screen appears as shown in the figure below Press the OK context sensitive soft key to complete the logon process If the login is unsuccessful a login e...

Page 61: ...k context sensitive soft key to remain logged on and return to the Services menu Logging off multiple user accounts The Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone has a multiuser feature that allows multiple SIP user a...

Page 62: ...dspeaker is already on and you press the hang up button nothing happens The call is not disconnected When you make an emergency call the location of the IP Deskphone is forwarded to the PSAP Note When...

Page 63: plugged in to the network and then stores it To view your location press the Services hard key choose Phone Information and then press the E911 context sensitive soft key Figure 14 Phone informatio...

Page 64: ...Accessing the Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone 64 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013 Comments infodev avaya com...

Page 65: ...g a ring pattern Adjusting the volume Selecting a language Selecting the date and time format USB headset on page 78 Adjusting the display screen contrast Note Adjusting the display screen contrast of...

Page 66: ...D screen remains backlit 1 Press the Prefs context sensitive soft key select Display Display Settings and then select Backlight from the menu 2 Press the Left Right navigation key to increase or decre...

Page 67: appear on the idle screen display of the IP Deskphone or 4 Choose one of the following Press the Save context sensitive soft key to save the idle screen text display Press the Back context sensiti...

Page 68: ...erval Choose one of the following values Never 10 min 5 min 2 min 1 min 30 sec 15 sec Note The Never option turns off Menu Auto back out or 4 Choose one of the following Press the Select context sensi...

Page 69: ...the ring pattern for an incoming call 1 Press the Prefs context sensitive soft key select Audio select Tones and then select Ring Pattern 2 Press the Up Down navigation key to scroll through and highl...

Page 70: the volume Figure 16 Adjusting the volume Adjusting the ring volume You can adjust the ring volume for an incoming call To adjust the ring volume for an incoming call 1 Press the Prefs context sens...

Page 71: ...Headset and Handsfree mode You can adjust the volume for the handset headset and the handsfree speaker of the IP Deskphone To adjust the volume of the handset 1 Press the Prefs context sensitive soft...

Page 72: ...ume use one of the following methods Press the Left Right navigation keys Press the Up Down navigation keys Press the Volume fixed keys Note To adjust the volume during a call use only the Volume fixe...

Page 73: ...Volume and Volume fixed keys or 3 Choose one of the following Press the Set context sensitive soft key to set the selected volume and return to the Voice menu Press the Back context sensitive soft ke...

Page 74: ...The display is available in multiple languages A maximum of five languages are accessible through the IP Deskphone The system administrator determines which languages are available for your IP Deskph...

Page 75: ...n the 12 hour and 24 hour clocks To select a date format 1 Press the Prefs context sensitive soft key select Misc Options and then select Time 2 Press the Change context sensitive soft key 3 Press the...

Page 76: ...soft key select Misc Options and then select Time 2 Press the Change context sensitive soft key 3 Press the Up Down navigation key to highlight Timezone in the menu 4 Press the Change context sensiti...

Page 77: ...ct a time format 1 Press the Prefs context sensitive soft key select Misc Options and then select Time 2 Press the Change context sensitive soft key 3 Press the Up Down navigation key to highlight Tim...

Page 78: ...USB headset types Headset Type Frequency Avaya Enhanced USB Headset Adapter 8 KHz Avaya Mobile USB Headset Adapter 8 KHz Plantronic CS50 CS60 Wireless USB Headsets 8 48 KHz Continuous Spectrum GN Netc...

Page 79: ...8 Headset screen The following table describes the configuration options on the Headset screen Option Function Active Headset Device Select the active headset device either USB or Wired Note The heads...

Page 80: the MHA Back Light only if Avaya headset adapter is detected The checkbox is used to enable or disable the back light equipped in Avaya Enhanced or Mobile headsets The command is ignored for othe...

Page 81: ...IP Deskphone supports both 8KHz and 16KHz audio You can select the 16KHz audio if the headset supports it The IP Deskphone is a mono device with only one voice channel For stereo USB headsets detecte...

Page 82: ...ace elements on the headset including LEDs if present When the USB headset is selected the voice path to or from the USB headset is used in an active call Avaya USB headset adapter with HID When you e...

Page 83: ...s have a back light to allow easy identification of the adapters If the back light is enabled in the Headset screen the back light of the adapter turns on after enumeration Message Waiting If there is...

Page 84: ...eskphone After a call is released audio data between the IP Deskphone and the headset stops Call Mute Pressing the Mute key on the adapter is equivalent to pressing the Mute key on the IP Deskphone Af...

Page 85: USB headsets performs differently from the Avaya Headset The headsets are independent devices with an internal state machine to control LED operations and headset behavior The following table li...

Page 86: ...base station flash The enumeration process is complete only when there is a blink at the headset piece and the base LEDs become solid Back Light Not applicable Message Waiting Not applicable External...

Page 87: ...Call Mute The mute key event is handled independently on the headset The corresponding HID command is sent to the IP Deskphone to synchronize IP Deskphone status Mute status indication on the headset...

Page 88: ...Feature Description Key Events In addition to On hook Off hook events dial pad digit events from the attached analog device are also supported Key press events on the adapter are sent to the IP Deskph...

Page 89: ...wered the adapter converts the digital voice data to analog and sends it to the attached analog device Call Release You can release an incoming call or an outgoing call by either pressing the Release...

Page 90: ...Configuring the Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone 90 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013 Comments infodev avaya com...

Page 91: ...utbox Instant Messaging on page 141 When an outgoing call fails to connect to the destination one of the following messages appears Declined Temporarily unavailable Declined Cannot find user Making a...

Page 92: ...ogramed to call with a commonly used or important phone number or SIP address Note You can program a feature key to use as a shortcut to dial a number or a SIP address For more information see Feature...

Page 93: ...adle Press the Goodbye key Using handsfree calling While on an active call you can switch between the handset headset and handsfree mode To end a handsfree call Press the Goodbye key To mute a handsfr...

Page 94: ...he contact the reason for the call The IP Deskphone contact displays a message such as Weekly report call or Daily status when they receive the call You can select a subject from a list you create For...

Page 95: ...he New context sensitive soft key to create a new Call Subject that is not on the list 3 Press the abc 123 context sensitive soft key to toggle between alphabetic and numeric characters 4 Use the dial...

Page 96: toggle between alphabetic and numeric characters 4 Use the dialpad to enter the new Call Subject for the contact 5 Choose one of the following Press the Save context sensitive soft key to save the...

Page 97: ...e IP Deskphone is idle 1 Press the Prefs context sensitive soft key select Feature Options and then select Call Subject from the menu 2 Press the Add context sensitive soft key to create new Call Subj...

Page 98: ...nd then select Call Subject from the menu 2 Press the Up Down navigation key to scroll through and highlight the Call Subject to delete 3 Press the Delete context sensitive soft key to delete the sele...

Page 99: ...ct to edit 3 Press the Edit context sensitive soft key to edit the selected Call Subject 4 Press the abc 123 context sensitive soft key to toggle between alphabetic and numeric characters 5 Use the di...

Page 100: ...Making a call 100 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013 Comments infodev avaya com...

Page 101: ...s Book the caller information appears as it is in the Address Book as shown in the following example Figure 20 Incoming call screen You can restrict the information displayed for incoming calls or for...

Page 102: you can choose to redirect the call to another destination without answering the call To redirect a call press the Redrct context sensitive soft key To enter a SIP address or phone number where...

Page 103: ...ut redirecting the call To redirect a call by using the Address Book Call Inbox or Call Outbox 1 Press the Redrct context sensitive soft key to redirect an incoming call 2 To select a SIP address to r...

Page 104: ...e The Call Decline feature is not available for all call servers Contact your system administrator or service provider to determine if this feature is available to you The treatment that an incoming c...

Page 105: ...all screen Creating a new Call Decline reason during an incoming call You can create an new Call Decline reason during an incoming call To create a new Call Decline reason during an incoming call 1 Pr...

Page 106: ...line Reasons that you can access when you want to decline an incoming call Also you can edit and delete Call Decline Reasons from the list of Call Decline Reasons you create Create a new Call Decline...

Page 107: ...To delete a Call Decline Reason 1 Press the Up Down navigation key to scroll through and highlight the Call Decline Reason to delete 2 Press the Delete context sensitive soft key to delete the select...

Page 108: ...dit the Call Decline Reason 5 Choose one of the following Press the Save context sensitive soft key to confirm the changes Press the Back context sensitive soft key to return to the previous menu with...

Page 109: ...e Change context sensitive key to change the Call Ignore setting to either Call Ignore Local or Call Ignore Network Note When you are on active call and you receive an incoming call do not press the G...

Page 110: a Paging tag the From header and optional subject The IP Deskphone establishes a one way speech path between the IP Deskphone and the caller that is you can only hear the call you cannot respond Th...

Page 111: ...Copying information to the Address Book on page 117 Searching for a contact in the Address Book on page 119 Viewing the Address Book To access the Address Book press the Directory fixed key or press t...

Page 112: ...ce provider requires that a Directory Number DN be used to initiate a call the Address Book entry must have the DN to initiate a call First go off hook by using one of the methods described in the sec...

Page 113: ...hook screen Adding a contact to your Address Book You can add a new contact to the Address Book of the Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone To add a contact to your Address Book 1 Choose one of the following Pre...

Page 114: ...ers organization code optional maximum of 5 characters geographic location optional maximum of 30 characters 5 Choose one of the following Press the Yes context sensitive soft key to designate the con...

Page 115: ...ixed key 2 Press the Up Down navigation key to highlight the contact you want to edit and then press the View soft key 3 Press the Edit soft key to edit the contact information 4 Press the abc 123 sof...

Page 116: ...the contact is already designated as a friend then the question Remove from friends appears Press the Yes soft key to remove the contact from your friends list or press the No soft key to keep the co...

Page 117: information to the Address Book To copy information from the Call Inbox or the Call Outbox screen to the Address Book use the Copy fixed key Note If you press the Copy fixed key while in idle mode...

Page 118: ...ess the abc 123 soft key to toggle between alphabetic and numeric characters 4 Use the dialpad to enter a name for the new entry 5 Choose one of the following Press the Next soft key to continue Press...

Page 119: ...act to be added Press the No soft key if you do not want a contact designated as a friend and return to the address menu screen Press the Back soft key to return to the previous menu 9 Press the Ok so...

Page 120: Character Search and Name Search are not case sensitive To change the method the IP Deskphone uses to search 1 Press the Prefs soft key select Misc Options and then highlight Search Method from the...

Page 121: ...You can search for a contact that is in your IP Deskphone Address Book Local Search or for a contact in a directory that is stored on the call server Global Search You can save a contact name and SIP...

Page 122: result is successful you can do one of the following Press the Up Down navigation key to highlight a contact from the search result and press the Call soft key to initiate a call Press the Sea...

Page 123: First Name Last Name Phone Number 3 Press the abc 123 soft key to toggle between alphabetic and numeric characters 4 Use the dialpad to enter the search information for the contact Press the left a...

Page 124: ...e Save soft key to accept the entry Press the Yes soft key or the No soft key to designate whether the new entry is a friend The phone saves the entry to the Address Book and returns you to the Inbox...

Page 125: access your Call Inbox while the IP Deskphone is idle or while you are on a call The following figure shows the Call Inbox while the IP Deskphone is idle Figure 23 Call Inbox while IP Deskphone is...

Page 126: ...e primary login of the IP Deskphone press the Enter key To view the details of a highlighted call press the Right navigation key See Viewing the details of a call in the Call Inbox on page 128 To leav...

Page 127: the primary login of the IP Deskphone The Enter key has the same behavior as the Call context sensitive soft key Use the Dial pad to select an item by index To place a call to the address of the s...

Page 128: ...entry in the call log Press the Next context sensitive soft key to select and display the details of the next entry in the call log Press the Back context sensitive soft key to leave the detail view a...

Page 129: ...view all the calls in the Call Inbox press the All context sensitive soft key 5 To delete the highlighted missed call or all missed calls press the Delete context sensitive soft key For more informati...

Page 130: ...of the option Press Manual to change Missed Call Notification Message clearing mode Press Auto to change Missed Call Notification Message clearing mode 4 Choose one of the following Press the Auto con...

Page 131: ...initiate a new call from the Call Inbox For more information see Accessing the calls in your Call Inbox during a call on page 133 To initiate a call from the Call Inbox 1 Press the Msg Inbox fixed ke...

Page 132: ...all Inbox 2 Press the Delete context sensitive soft key 3 Select one of the following context sensitive soft keys Press the Yes context sensitive soft key to delete the highlighted call Press the AllU...

Page 133: ...l from the list of calls in your Call Inbox or 2 Choose one of the following Press the Select context sensitive soft key to initiate a call to the highlighted caller Note This places the current call...

Page 134: ...Call Inbox 134 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013 Comments infodev avaya com...

Page 135: ...n used for a call The following figure is an example of details of the Call Outbox screen while the phone is idle Figure 24 Call Outbox while phone is idle Accessing the Call Outbox You can access the...

Page 136: ...n page 138 To leave the detail view and return to the main inbox screen press the Left navigation key 4 Press the Delete context sensitive soft key to delete the highlighted call For more information...

Page 137: ...of a caller screen by doing one of the following Lift the handset Press the Headset fixed key Press the Handsfree fixed key 5 Press the Call context sensitive soft key Deleting calls from your Call O...

Page 138: ...o return to the Outbox Viewing the details of a call in the Call Outbox You can view details of a call in the Call Outbox To view details of a call in the Call Outbox 1 To view details of the selected...

Page 139: ...e call To access the calls in your Call Outbox during a call 1 To access the calls in your Call Outbox during a call press the Call Outbox key 2 Press the Up Down navigation key to highlight a call fr...

Page 140: ...Call Outbox 140 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013 Comments infodev avaya com...

Page 141: Configuring IM automatic pop up on page 141 Configuring Instant Messaging pop ups on page 142 Configuring IM audible alert on page 143 Configuring IM automatic pop up You can configure the IP Des...

Page 142: ...en and return to the idle screen when you are not on a call or to the In Call screen if the pop up occurred during a call Configuring Instant Messaging pop ups You can configure Instant Messaging pop...

Page 143: ...hoose to disable the audible alert of the IM feature To enable or disable the audible alerts of a new IM 1 Press the Prefs context sensitive soft key select User Settings select IM Settings and then s...

Page 144: ...111 To compose and send an Instant Message 1 Do one of the following Press the Msgs context sensitive soft key select Instant Messaging and press the New IM context sensitive soft key Access the list...

Page 145: ...d the IM to the contact Press the Back context sensitive soft key to return to the previous menu without sending the new IM Instant Message Inbox Outbox The IM Inbox contains a list of all incoming an...

Page 146: ...fixed key 2 Press the Up Down navigation key to highlight an IM from the list of Instant Messages in your IM Inbox Outbox Note When you want to view only IMs from a specific contact press the User con...

Page 147: ...the contact See Initiating a call from an Instant Message on page 148 Delete the Instant Message See Deleting an Instant Message on page 149 Related topics Replying to an Instant Message on page 147...

Page 148: ...t key and then select Instant Messaging from the menu Note If your service provider requires that a Directory Number DN be used to initiate a call you cannot initiate a call from an Instant Message To...

Page 149: the following procedure 1 Choose one of the following Press the Msgs context sensitive soft key and then select Instant Messaging from the menu Press the Expand fixed key 2 Press the View context...

Page 150: ...Instant Messaging 150 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013 Comments infodev avaya com...

Page 151: the call to another phone number or SIP address 4 Park Call to park a call on the call server or to a specific user You can access the call from any IP Deskphone and to keep your phone line clear N...

Page 152: ...pad to dial the number or SIP address Note This places the current call on hold if it is not already on hold and you can continue to initiate the call as normally Press the Back context sensitive sof...

Page 153: ...ress the Hold fixed key The LCD on hold icon flashes beside the line on hold The following figure shows the IP Deskphone display area when a call is placed on hold Figure 26 Call On Hold To retrieve a...

Page 154: ...hen you highlight a call that is not active you can retrieve the call from on hold and make it active by pressing the Activate context sensitive soft key You can also join the call with the active cal...

Page 155: ...ate the call you want to connect to This context sensitive soft key is also used to retrieve calls parked against the user Note The Actvate context sensitive soft key never appears at the same time as...

Page 156: ...park the current call Press the more context sensitive soft key to select a new menu list of context sensitive soft keys The next available menu list contains the following context sensitive soft key...

Page 157: ...l Fwd Notification Answer Mode Settings appear when the Auto Answer Mode is enabled on the IP Deskphone 4 Language use to change the interface language 5 Misc Options use to access the following optio...

Page 158: ...Down navigation key to highlight a call on hold 2 To retrieve the highlighted call on hold do one of the following Press the Line feature key beside the flashing LCD indicator Press the Hold fixed ke...

Page 159: you must use the conference call feature Your IP Deskphone manages the 3 way call and the server manages a conference call For more information see Configuring a conference call on page 160 To a...

Page 160: ...em administrator to determine if this feature is available To configure a conference call while on an active call with more than one other caller 1 Press the Up Down navigation key to highlight one of...

Page 161: ...Server Note Your system administrator must enable ad hoc conferencing before you connect to the Call Server Press Service twice to access Network menu press Server settings and then Domain settings to...

Page 162: ...context sensitive soft keys available on the conference parameters screen are as follows Domains to select the domain Edit to open the Edit Domain page that allows you to edit the conference details P...

Page 163: ...itive soft keys available for the Domain Conference Edit screen are as follows Save to save the updated value to the system configuration file abc 123 to toggle the input mode to digits or alphabets C...

Page 164: ...ephone 1 Press the Up Down navigation key to highlight Transfer Call from the menu 2 Press the Trnsfer soft key while on a call to access the Trnsfer menu 3 Press the abc 123 soft key to toggle betwee...

Page 165: ...ft key to close the Transferring dialog Your IP Deskphone then displays any local calls including the transferred call until Transfer successful or Transfer failed is displayed depending on the transf...

Page 166: ...he call server and is not allowed If the Secure Digits feature is enabled and you connect to Voice Mail during an active call the screen displays only the last pressed key and the remaining digits app...

Page 167: ...Deskphone prompts you with Press Park for server or User to park to a user To park a call to the server during a call 1 Press the Action context sensitive soft and select Park Call from the menu 2 Pre...

Page 168: ...he previous screen Retrieving a Parked Call You must have the retrieval code to retrieve a parked call from the server You can retrieve a parked call while the IP Deskphone is in the idle state or whi...

Page 169: ...key to retrieve the parked call Press the Clear context sensitive soft key to erase the input field Press the Back context sensitive soft key to return to the previous screen Using the Park Call featu...

Page 170: ...While on an active call 170 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013 Comments infodev avaya com...

Page 171: ...rance Directory Number on page 207 Audio Codecs on page 208 PC Client softphone interworking with the IP Deskphone on page 209 Automatic remote software updates on page 211 Busy lamp field on page 212...

Page 172: ...ollowing Press the Status context sensitive soft key to view the current presence status of the friend Press the All context sensitive soft key to view the contents of the Address book including conta...

Page 173: ...ey to view the information about the friend 3 Press the Call context sensitive soft key to initiate a call to the friend The IP Deskphone uses the SIP address or phone number from your personal Addres...

Page 174: ...tive soft key to toggle between numeric and alphabetic input 5 Use the dialpad to enter the text of the message 6 Choose one of the following Press the Send context sensitive soft key to send the IM P...

Page 175: ...sensitive key 2 Press the Up Down navigation key to highlight the friend you want to edit and press the Edit context sensitive soft key 3 Press the abc 123 context sensitive soft key to toggle between...

Page 176: ...ress the Next context sensitive soft key to complete the process Press the Back context sensitive soft key to return to the previous menu 8 Choose one of the following Press the Yes context sensitive...

Page 177: ...ess the Filter context sensitive soft key and select Friends from the menu Press the Select context sensitive soft key while viewing the Address Book 2 Press the Up Down navigation key to highlight th...

Page 178: ...IP Deskphones Programmed keys are stored in the user profile Each user can maintain a list of programmed feature keys You can designate a feature key to act as a short cut for any of the following fea...

Page 179: ...ation about how to autoprogram feature keys see Feature key programming on page 179 The following figure shows the feature key numbering for three Expansion Modules for Avaya 1100 Series IP Deskphones...

Page 180: ...screen To view feature key details 1 To select a feature key to view do one of the following Press the Up Down navigation key to highlight the feature key to view and press the View context sensitive...

Page 181: key is associated Address SIP address for the feature key when programmed for Speed Dial Call Forward and Send IM Note If you to try to view a feature key that is not programmed the IP Deskphone di...

Page 182: ...view and then press the Edit context sensitive soft key The Program Key screen opens as shown in Figure 36 Edit feature key screen on page 182 2 Press the Back context sensitive soft key to return to...

Page 183: ...s the Back context sensitive soft key to return to the previous menu 4 Press the abc 123 context sensitive soft key to toggle between numeric and alphabetic input 5 Use the dialpad to enter the label...

Page 184: ...y to return to the previous menu To program a Speed Dial feature key To program a Speed Dial feature key beginning from Step 6 in the procedure To modify a feature key 1 Press the Select context sensi...

Page 185: ...ry and move to the next step Press the Cancel context sensitive soft key to return to the previous step 10 Choose one of the following Press the Yes context sensitive soft key to activate auto retriev...

Page 186: ...ter a key label 4 Press the Next context sensitive soft key to continue 5 Select a User 6 Press the Select context sensitive soft key 7 Use the dial pad to enter the address Additional features 186 Av...

Page 187: To program a Do Not Disturb feature key To program a Do Not Disturb feature key beginning from Step 6 in the procedure To modify a feature key 1 Press the Select context sensitive soft key 2 Sel...

Page 188: ...ature key To program a Send IM feature key beginning from Step 6 in the procedure To modify a feature key 1 Press the Select context sensitive soft key 2 Select Send IM 3 Press the Select context sens...

Page 189: ...Up Down navigation key to highlight one of the following Connected Unavailable 3 Choose one of the following Press the Select context sensitive soft key to select Presence Press the Back context sensi...

Page 190: ...vailable when you program a feature key as a shortcut For more information see Adding a new Presence state message on page 204 6 Choose one of the following Press the Finish context sensitive soft key...

Page 191: Press the Up Down navigation key to scroll through the feature keys to highlight one to remove and press the Edit context sensitive soft key Press the feature key that you want to remove and then p...

Page 192: ...IP Deskphone detects if a feature key is already configured with Speed Dial Send IM or Call Forward for contact it does not create a new instance Note The autoprogramming feature options are dependen...

Page 193: ...t key to return to the previous step Remove all programmed feature keys by using the Bulk context sensitive soft key To remove all programmed feature keys or an individual programmed feature key by us...

Page 194: ...following Press the Up Down navigation key to scroll through the feature keys and highlight the feature key to remove and press the Remove context sensitive soft key Press the Feature key that you wan...

Page 195: ...Choose one of the following Press the Yes context sensitive soft key to confirm the removal of all the feature keys Press the No context sensitive soft key to return to the previous screen without re...

Page 196: ...Call Outbox highlight the entry you want to use for the feature key and then press the Copy key 2 Press the Up Down navigation key to highlight Speed Dial Call Forward or Send IM from the menu Note P...

Page 197: ...ontext sensitive soft key to return to the previous menu Using Call Forward Use the Call Forward feature to direct incoming calls to an alternate destination You can continue to make calls from the IP...

Page 198: ...t and right navigation keys The following table describes the Privacy setting and the display for a forwarded call on the IP Deskphone Table 15 Privacy setting and IP Deskphone display for Call Forwar...

Page 199: ...Notification from the menu 2 Choose one of the following Press the On context sensitive soft key to activate Call Forward Notification If the Call Forward Notification is activated press the Off conte...

Page 200: ...activate Call Forward and return to the Services Menu Press the Back context sensitive soft key to cancel deactivating the Call Forward and return to the Services menu Configuring Do Not Disturb Use D...

Page 201: ...key to return to the Services menu Disable Do Not Disturb To disable Do Not Disturb 1 Choose one of the following Press the Disable context sensitive soft key to configure Do Not Disturb Press the Bac...

Page 202: soft key to change your current Presence state Press the Back context sensitive soft key to return to the Services menu 3 Press the Up Down navigation key to highlight either Connected Unavailable...

Page 203: ...Absence Playing Presentation Shopping Sleeping Spectator Steering Travel TV Vacation Working Worship Unknown Note You can create your own Presence messages to appear on screen which become available w...

Page 204: ...t sensitive soft key to confirm the Presence state selection Adding a new Presence state message You can add a new Presence state message To add a new Presence state message 1 Press the Presnce contex...

Page 205: You can restrict caller information coming to the IP Deskphone or caller information leaving the IP Deskphone You can restrict the name SIP address or both from appearing on the screen Incoming cal...

Page 206: ...y changes Outgoing call privacy You can restrict the information for outgoing calls from your IP Deskphone by configuring the Outgoing Call Privacy setting To configure Outgoing Call Privacy 1 Press t...

Page 207: ...ate To dial a Vertical Service Code on an IP Deskphone you must first initiate a new call by pressing the Action context sensitive soft key select New Call Conference and then dial the Vertical Servic...

Page 208: ...eature allows you to specify a codec to which you can switch to during an active call You can use the Preferences menu to modify the order of preference of the codecs between calls Additional features...

Page 209: ...the order of preference of codecs to use during inbound and outbound calls The following context sensitive soft keys are available for the audio codec ordering page Save to save the current order as t...

Page 210: ...ess The following context sensitive soft keys are available for the Answer Mode Settings page Change to open the Allow Mode Settings page if option 1 is selected Allows you to open the Allow Domain pa...

Page 211: ...this feature to work Your IP Deskphone may be configured to perform automatic software updates If this feature is configured the IP Deskphone displays when a software update is scheduled to occur and...

Page 212: ...ves the presence state list for all the users it is configured to watch Call states and the corresponding presence icons are shown in the following table State Meaning Icon Unknown The presence of the...

Page 213: and password and specify your login to either be permanent or to expire You can also specify which SIP domain you want to access The Domain key allows you to select a domain from the configured...

Page 214: ...that are already registered however other features are not available until the login process is complete No profile selection prompt is displayed for the secondary account and no profile is created A...

Page 215: ...t of the primary account causes all other accounts to log out automatically and the IP Deskphone to display the login screen The secondary accounts are logged back in automatically when a new primary...

Page 216: ...t are logged in on automatic login If more than one account loses connection the IP Deskphone attempts to reconnect the accounts in sequence The first account to lose connection retries until it re re...

Page 217: it has the same user name as the first account The IP Deskphone is upgraded to SIP Software Release 4 x A user logs to the primary account user3 domain1 com No profile is found for that account a...

Page 218: ...165E IP Deskphone with an Expansion Module for Avaya 1100 Series IP Deskphones and multiple accounts Figure 43 1165E IP Deskphone with Expansion Module and multiple accounts Pressing a line key either...

Page 219: ...creen the primary account is used after you lift the handset press the headset key or press the handsfree key The same applies if you initiate a call from the Inbox Outbox or Instant Messages screen S...

Page 220: ...incoming call icon provides visual feedback You can answer the call by pressing the line key directly without having to select the call This automatically puts other active calls on hold Being in a ca...

Page 221: the primary account can send or receive instant messages Incoming messages for secondary accounts are rejected they are not displayed on screen and are not added to the instant message logs Menu fe...

Page 222: ...ion options The Call Settings entry in the User Settings menu provides a number of configuration options relating to how incoming calls for a particular account are treated what kind of audio alert sh...

Page 223: ...mable features The Program Key screen lists all the line keys All line keys associated with an account are displayed as such and selecting them displays an error message The Do Not Disturb Call Forwar...

Page 224: ...Selection mode you cannot initiate a call directly In this case the Select context sensitive soft key populates a dial prompt or other input field with the selected target The operation already in pr...

Page 225: ...primary account local or network based There is no selection mode for the Friends view You can only monitor and view the presence information of Friends of the primary account in Friends view User st...

Page 226: ...sing the key s target For both the single key and the all key you can treat the key as a toggle If no Call Forward or DND operations are selected pressing the key switches one or all accounts between...

Page 227: ...all accounts being configured to the programmed presence In such a case pressing the key again would again attempt to apply the programmed presence therefore it is more effective to program a separate...

Page 228: ...e an all or none option is available In the first case if you have logged in only one account then the prompt is not displayed The single account is selected automatically and the next screen is immed...

Page 229: ...the Details soft key to show Primary User Primary Domain MAC IP License server Status Press the Back soft key to go back to the Phone Information screen Note You cannot make any changes to the settin...

Page 230: ...more information see Logging off from the IP Deskphone on page 61 4 Check for Updates Use to check for the latest software and configuration update for the IP Deskphone For more information see Check...

Page 231: ...nsitive soft key 4 Choose one of the following Press the Yes context sensitive soft key check for the latest software and configuration update for your IP Deskphone Press the No context sensitive soft...

Page 232: ...Choose one of the following Press the Yes context sensitive soft key to proceed Press the No context sensitive soft key to return to the System menu Erasing the user data The IP Deskphone stores user...

Page 233: ...from deleting files the following message appears Action is not allowed You don t have permissions To delete user data files 1 Press the Services fixed key 2 Select File Manager Note You must enter yo...

Page 234: ...lders cannot be deleted because they are on the IP Deskphone If you are at the root folder of the flash disk press the Exit context sensitive soft key to return to the previous menu If you are already...

Page 235: ...the Up Down navigation key to highlight the sound file you want to delete 2 Choose one of the following Press the Delete context sensitive soft key to delete the highlighted sound file from the list...

Page 236: ...itive soft key to delete the highlighted log file from the list Press the Back context sensitive soft key to return to the previous menu To delete the system file without deleting the user profile 1 C...

Page 237: ...items For more information on how to access the Network menu items see SIP Software for Avaya 1100 Series IP Deskphones Administration NN43170 600 The following Network menu items are available Server...

Page 238: ...self There is no explicit USB flash drive indication Feature characteristics USB flash drives with 8 GB or less are supported A file browsing facility is available Most USB flash drives have an LED to...

Page 239: ...he USB device information is followed by status information about supported USB devices If the USB configurations do not match the USB device status because of the restart requirement a warning that U...

Page 240: ...y pressing OK Until you dismiss the banner screen the IP Deskphone switches to DND mode until the banner is dismissed Outgoing or incoming calls are not allowed other than emergency calls until you di...

Page 241: ...gure shows an example of the Phone Information Details screen Figure 50 Phone Information Details screen The Phone Information Details screen displays the following information Primary User Primary lo...

Page 242: ...until ScrnSvr appears Pressing the ScrnSvr context sensitive soft key causes the screensaver timer to turn off and activates the previously selected screensaver Choose Prefs Display Display Screensave...

Page 243: ...e the screensaver is invoked Image to select the background image to display when the screensaver is active Text to configure the text that appears on the phone display screen when the screensaver is...

Page 244: ...d mode Press Select to select the currently highlighted setting Press Back to exit the Screensaver Mode menu Note Some options may not appear depending on configuration Disable Disabling the Screensav...

Page 245: ...ver this menu option is not available to you Enable with password Enabling the screensaver in password protected mode prompts you to enter a password before logging in If allowed in the configuration...

Page 246: ...protected screensaver 2 Enter a password Press the abc 123 context sensitive soft key to toggle input mode between numeric or alphabet 3 Press OK A Screensaver enabled message appears if the password...

Page 247: ...Module s are cleared until the screensaver is deactivated If you have logged on to the IP Deskphone you are not logged out but the line key labels clear and are inactive until the screensaver is deact...

Page 248: ...ism also invokes remotely from the IP Deskphone console through an SSH connection All expansion modules are cleared of programmed keys until the screensaver is deactivated Selecting an image to be vie...

Page 249: ...t a background image from a list of images currently stored on the Flash File System FFS of the IP Deskphone 1 Press the Prefs context sensitive soft key then choose Display 4 Background Image The Ima...

Page 250: ...keep the selected image An example is shown in the following figure Figure 60 Background image confirmation screen 4 Press OK to confirm the selected image as the background image or press Cancel to c...

Page 251: ...r Address Book if you selected Groups on page 253 view the existing groups you have in your Address Book See View the existing groups you have in your Address Book on page 254 add a new contact to you...

Page 252: ...avigation key to highlight Feature key creation 5 Press the Select context sensitive soft key The Create keys screen appears 6 Press the Up Down navigation key to highlight the type of programmed keys...

Page 253: dismiss the screen View existing groups in your Address Book if you selected Groups You can view existing groups in your Address Book if you selected Groups as the source data for the bulk key cre...

Page 254: ...ook as well as the Friends filter 3 Press the Up Down navigation key to highlight the required filter 4 Choose one of the following Press the Select context sensitive soft key to choose the group you...

Page 255: ...ails of the selected Address Book entry you can do the following Press the SendIM context sensitive soft key to display the Address Book entry details for the selected entry Press the Edit context sen...

Page 256: ...sensitive soft key to return to the previous menu 4 Choose one of the following Use the dialpad to enter a telephone number or SIP address URI for the new contact Press the Next context sensitive soft...

Page 257: ...creen prompts you to select a group 6 Press the Up Down navigation key to highlight the required entry 7 Choose one of the following options Press the Select context sensitive soft key to assign your...

Page 258: ...can be configured as a Speed Dial List You cannot modify or delete the feature key used by the Speed Dial List Also you cannot modify the content of the Speed Dial List Invocation of the speed dial l...

Page 259: ...ce to all other programmed feature keys on the idle screen or in call screen The label used for the selected key is provided through provisioning The following is the icon for the Speed Dial List key...

Page 260: ...tries that are configured to IDLE are displayed Similarly only items marked as MID CALL are displayed if the Speed Dial List is invoked while the IP Deskphone is in a call The following are the option...

Page 261: ...shown in the following figure appears as the last step in Speed Dial Key configuration Figure 63 Enable Auto Retrieve screen The Auto Retrieve screen allows you to configure the Auto Retrieve behavio...

Page 262: ...folder folders are not deleted because they are on the IP Deskphone Exit If you are at the root folder of the flash disk the screen is dismissed and you are sent back to the previous menu If you are...

Page 263: ...ted device Exit to dismiss the file manager and return to the Services menu After you select the device to which you want to navigate the device file structure is displayed some examples are shown in...

Page 264: ...ager device browsing screens Note The context sensitive soft keys change based on the selected item on the screen Advanced features 264 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2...

Page 265: ...only after you select a file If you select a file on a USB device and press Send you can send or copy the selected file to the IP Deskphone Based on the file extension the destination folder is selec...

Page 266: ...where you select a folder Back to return to the previous screen After you have confirmed that you want to send a file from the IP Deskphone to the USB drive the Select Destination screen appears as sh...

Page 267: ...creen Note The context sensitive soft keys change based on the selected item on the screen The following options are presented USB flash memory device support Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Softwar...

Page 268: ...figured after this screen is invoked by other mechanisms An example of this is a device configuration file which causes the IP Deskphone to update with a selected file rather than to copy the file to...

Page 269: ...In progress message on the screen A success message appears on the phone screen displaying that the file was copied to the IP Deskphone successfully The following figure displays a sample success mes...

Page 270: ...he destination folder on the plugged in USB drive 6 Navigate to the folder MyRings and press Done to start the operation The file is then validated some files are not allowed to copy and sent to the s...

Page 271: ...Presence state of contacts designated as Friend Display screen icons The following tables list the display icons of the IP Deskphone Table 16 Display screen icons Call State Component Icon On hook In...

Page 272: ...Inbox Component Icon Incoming Call Answered Incoming Call Missed New Incoming Call Missed Reviewed Table 20 Display screen icons Presence Component Icon Terminated Connected Inactive Unavailable Busy...

Page 273: ...ator LED status Red LED Voice mail left by caller Steady red light until message is reviewed Incoming call phone ringing Fast blinking red light Blue LED New Instant Message received Steady blue light...

Page 274: ...Visual indicators 274 Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone with SIP Software User Guide November 2013 Comments infodev avaya com...


Page 276: ...Copyright C 1989 1997 1998 1999 Free Software Foundation Inc GNU General Public V2 License GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2 June 1991 Copyright C 1989 1991 Free Software Foundation Inc 59 Temple P...

Page 277: ...cation Each licensee is addressed as you Activities other than copying distribution and modification are not covered by this License they are outside its scope The act of running the Program is not re...

Page 278: ...stallation of the executable However as a special exception the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed in either source or binary form with the major components...

Page 279: ...applies to it and any later version you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation If the Program do...

Page 280: ...conditions type show c for details The hypothetical commands show w and show c should show the appropriate parts of the General Public License Of course the commands you use may be called something o...

Page 281: may insert additional notices immediately following this sentence libpng versions 1 2 6 August 15 2004 through 1 2 34 December 18 2008 are Copyright c 2004 2006 2008 Glenn Randers Pehrson and are...

Page 282: c 1995 1996 Guy Eric Schalnat Group 42 Inc For the purposes of this copyright and license Contributing Authors is defined as the following set of individuals Andreas Dilger Dave Martindale Guy Eric...

Page 283: ...December 18 2008 END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS Kern_random The following component is licensed under kern_random license Kern_random Copyright Theodore Ts o 1994 1995 All rights reserved Kern random Li...

Page 284: ...SIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS Wchar functions The following component is licensed under wchar functions license Wchar functions Wchar functions License Copyright c 1990 1991 1993...

Page 285: is distributed then this README file must be included with this copyright and no warranty notice unaltered and any additions deletions or changes to the original files must be clearly indica...

Page 286: ...bute it freely subject to the following restrictions 1 The origin of this software must not be misrepresented you must not claim that you wrote the original software If you use this software in a prod...

Page 287: can use to send a message to the person you are contacting as they are receiving the call from you A Call Subject is displayed on the IP Deskphone display screen if the receiving telephone has a...

Page 288: connects to the IP Deskphone and provides additional line appearances and feature keys A maximum of three modules are supported The Avaya 1165E IP Deskphone can have up to 54 additional line featur...

Page 289: ...e or d a line is automatically selected for an outgoing call Parked Call This is an active call you park on the server or to another user that can be retrieved from another phone Presence This is a fe...

Page 290: interface This consists of screen displays that interact with the end user as a result of an action or event User Profile Your User Profile contains your specific settings and saved data and become...

Page 291: ...rogrammed feature keys by using the Bulk context sensitive soft key 192 Busy Lamp Field feature 212 C Cable unplugged multiuser 216 Call Decline Reason create and add 106 Call Decline Reason delete 10...

Page 292: ...all on hold 153 Erasing the user data 232 F Feature key autoprogramming 192 Feature key programming 179 Feature key remove programmed key 190 Feature keys 178 File manager 261 File Manager 268 File Ma...

Page 293: ...224 Multiuser initial login 213 Multiuser Instant Messages 221 Multiuser line keys 217 Multiuser logging out 215 Multiuser making a call 219 Multiuser menu features 221 Multiuser modifying settings 22...

Page 294: ...249 Server failover multiuser 216 Service Package Group Support 251 Services menu accessing 230 slideshow animated 242 Software updates checking for 230 Speed Dial List 258 Speed Dial List screen 260...
