Opera ting Ma nua l a nd Inspection Book
SMART LIFT 2.30 SL, 2.35 SL, 2.40 SL / HYMAX S 3000, 3500, 4000
20110015 OPI
Version 1.0
5 Operating manual
When handling the lift, it must absolutely comply with safety regulations. Carefully
read the safety regulations in Section 4 before first operation!
5.1 Positioning the vehicle
Drive the vehicle onto the lift according to the following images, until the lifting arm receives it
(figure A and B).
Figure. A)
The lift column must be located
between the steering wheel and the
car door hinges.
Figure. B)
Drive in the middle of the lift.
Swivel in the carrier arm and pull out properly to the desired length.
The adjustable receiving plates must be placed at the points specified by the vehicle
Version with MINI-MAX lifting arms
Figure 1: Position carrier plate below the fixture points
approved by the vehicle manufacturer.
Figure 2: If required, place the carrier plate by pushing the
lever at the fixture points.
Ensure that the ratchet is securely locked into the
intended position.
Otherwise the "MINI-MAX" can sink to its lowest