Premmia GL Series
Using a Network Card{xe “Network card”}{xe
“LAN”}{xe “Ethernet card”}{xe “SMC Ethernet
card”}{xe “Intel Pro/100+”}{xe “DMI”}{xe
If you ordered a network card with your computer, you’ll see a single Ethernet 10BaseT
connector in one of the option slots on the back panel; connect the cable from your
network here. The network card is an SMC 10/100BaseT network adapter.
With the network card installed, your computer supports several key network management
Desktop management interface (DMI) 2.0 and SMBIOS 2.1 support that allows
inventory management over the network or via a modem
Intel’s LANDesk Client Manager (LDCM) which simplifies many of the tasks required
for maintaining a PC, for example, reviewing system and configuration information
about DMI/SMBIOS-compliant hardware components, backing up and restoring
system files, troubleshooting system errors.
Wake on LAN support that allows your network administrator to remotely start your
computer for maintenance.
Using the Optical Drive{xe “Optical drive”}{xe “CD-
ROM drive”}{xe “DVD drive”}{xe “CDR-W drive”}{xe
“Music CDs”}{xe “MPEG-2”}
Your computer contains one of three optical drives:
a CD-ROM drive that you can use to access most compact disks
a DVD-ROM drive that you can use to access most compact disks and DVD disks
a CD-RW drive that you can use to access most kinds of compact disks, and record data
on special kinds of compact disks.
A CD-ROM (Compact Disk, Read Only Memory) disk can store up to 74 minutes of music
or 650MB of computer data and is read-only – you cannot change the data on the disk.