Premmia GL Series
Turning Off the Computer{xe “Turning off the computer”}
There are several ways that you can shut down the computer:
put the computer into power-saving Suspend mode
restart the computer
shut down Windows
turn off the computer manually.
When the computer returns from Suspend mode, Windows and your application programs
should be exactly the same as they were when you entered the mode. This is part of the
computer’s power management, described in detail on page 23.
Restarting the Computer{xe “Restarting the computer”}{xe
“Resetting the computer”}
Restarting the computer reloads the operating system and then you’ll have to re-start the
applications you want to use again.
To restart Windows, click the
button in Windows, select
Shut Down…
, then select
and click
. Windows prompts you to save any data that hasn’t been saved, closes
down open applications, then restarts the computer.
It is very important to always try to restart Windows this way, if you don’t, you risk
damaging the files in use at the time, and you may not be able to start Windows again. If you
do restart the computer without using the Restart feature, the next time you turn it on, you’ll
see some warning messages and Windows will want to start a program called ScanDisk to
make sure there’s nothing wrong with the hard disk.
If Windows or a program you are using seems to have stopped responding, press the
keys at the same time. Windows opens the
Close Program
window (it may take
a few minutes to appear). The window lists the active programs, and you should be able to
close the problem program from here. After that you should be OK, but you should go
ahead and close everything else down normally, then restart the computer through the
utility on the
If closing programs using the
Close Program
window still does not let you restart the
computer, you can press
two times to restart the computer.