System f.
The tracking frequency in use at that moment.
Ref f1
The reference frequency 1.
Ref f2
The reference frequency 2.
M thermal T
The motor thermal temperature.
F thermal T
The feeder thermal temperature.
T thermal T
The transformer thermal temperature.
RTD meas 1…16
The RTD measurement channels 1…16.
Ext RTD meas 1…8
The external RTD measurement channels 1…8 (ADAM module).
Reported values
When triggered, the function holds the recorded values of up to eight channels, as set. In addition to
this tripped stage, the overcurrent fault type and the voltage fault types are reported to SCADA.
Table. 5.6.4. - 114. Reported values.
Tripped stage
0: -
1: I> Trip
2: I>> Trip
3: I>>> Trip
4: I>>>> Trip
5: IDir> Trip
6: IDir>> Trip
7: IDir>>> Trip
8: IDir>>>> Trip
9: U> Trip
10: U>> Trip
11: U>>> Trip
12: U>>>> Trip
13: U< Trip
14: U<< Trip
15: U<<< Trip
16: U<<<< Trip
The tripped stage.
Overcurrent fault type
0: -
1: A-G
2: B-G
3: A-B
4: C-G
5: A-C
6: B-C
7: A-B-C
The overcurrent fault type.
Voltage fault type
0: -
1: A (AB)
2: B (BC)
3: A-B (AB-BC)
4: C (CA)
5: A-C (AB-CA)
6: B-C (BC-CA)
7: A-B-C
The voltage fault type.
Magnitude 1…8
0.000…1800.000 A/V/p.u.
0.001 A/V/p.u.
The recorded value in one of the eight channels.
The measurement value recorder function (abbreviated "VREC" in event block names) generates
events from the function triggers. The user can select the status ON or OFF for messages in the main
event buffer.
Instruction manual
Version: 2.01
© Arcteq Relays Ltd