Adding signals to plotters
By default, the default plotter is empty. Choose the measured signals ("Analog channels") on the left to
move them to the plotter. In the image below (on the left) the phase currents IL1, IL2 and IL3 are
selected; AQViewer color-codes them automatically. If you want to add another plotter, choose the blue
"+" icon (in the main toolbar on the top). Please note that the "Add plotter" text appears when you move
the cursor on top of the icon. Once clicked, the "Add graph" pop-up window appears (see the image
below on the right). In the example the line-to-neutral voltages UL1, UL2 and UL3 are selected and
moved to the window on the right. Con rm the selection by clicking the "OK" button.
Figure. 5.6.1. - 74. Adding another plotter
General use and zooming
1. You can remove plotters individually by using the red "—" icon (numbered "1" in the image
below). Please note that the "Remove plotters" text appears when you move the cursor on top
of the icon.
2. You can add cursors to measure time by staying on top of any plotter and double-clicking the
left mouse button. You can add up to ve (5) cursors simultaneously. You can remove cursors
by clicking on the icon (numbered "2" in the image below). Please note that the "Remove all
cursors" text appears when you move the cursor on top of the icon.
Instruction manual
Version: 2.01
© Arcteq Relays Ltd