Chapter 3. Graphic User Interface (GUI)
Fig. 3.26
Search result and following operations are the same as
Fig. 3-24.
3.3.11 Search by Text
( This function is NOT available on firmware version MDVR 2.0 )
This function is to search record video files that contain specific POS text data for playback.
This search can be “transaction based”. That means you can define the “starting” and “ending” string
of a bill and search the text you want in this deal. You can define 3 fields of search text in logical
“AND” combination to search. This gives you unique results of the search.
The “Device Selection” section is for you to select the POS devices( channels) that you want to do
text search. Default is all “ON”. This is no harm even if you do not have so many POS devices connected.
Please refer to section 3.6.10 for more detail about POS device.
4. And then select search area by mouse left
button drag.
5. Click “ok” to start searching motion files at
that specific area.