User’s Manual Version 1.
Serial to Ethernet Device Server
Copyright © 201
Antaira Technologies, LLC
All rights reserved.
4.1.4 Installation
Make sure one have turned off all anti-virus software before beginning the installation. Run the Virtual
COM setup file included in the CD to install Virtual COM driver for ones operating system.
In the end of the installation, please select one or two COM ports to become the Virtual COM ports.
4.1.5 Uninstalling
From Windows Start menu select Setting, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs.
Serial IP
in the list of installed software
Click the
button to remove the program, or From Windows Start menu select
Programs, Serial IP,
Uninstall Serial IP
to remove the program.
4.2 Virtual COM Communication
4.2.1 Enable Virtual COM on STE-501C
From web browser access to STE-501C by typing its IP address, click on COM1 link to access COM1
page, on the top half of the page click on “
TCP Server
” and enable Virtual COM by putting a check in front
of the “Enable” button, then type in the local port number in the “
Local Port
” field as indicated in the
following figure: (Figure 4.2)
Figure 4.2 Enable Virtual Com
Or one can enable Virtual COM through telnet configuration by setting COM1 as TCP server, and type in
the local port number for COM1, then enable virtual COM as shown in the following figure: (Figure 4.3)