MS2830A-077 Analysis Bandwidth Extension to 62.5 MHz (Requires MS2830A-005 and MS2830A-006)
MS2830A-078 Analysis Bandwidth Extension to 125 MHz (Requires MS2830A-005, MS2830A-006 and MS2830A-077)
Displayed average noise
level (DANL)
18° to 28°C, Input attenuator: 0 dB
With MS2830A-077, or 078, > 31.25 MHz bandwidth
without MS2830A-066, MS2830A-008, or with MS2830A-008, Preamp: Off
–146.5 dBm/Hz (300 MHz ≤ f < 1 GHz)
–144.5 dBm/Hz (1 GHz ≤ f < 2.4 GHz)
–142.5 dBm/Hz (2.4 GHz ≤ f ≤ 3.5 GHz)
–139.5 dBm/Hz (3.5 GHz < f ≤ 6 GHz) [MS2830A-041/043]
–135.5 dBm/Hz (6 GHz < f ≤ 13.5 GHz) [MS2830A-043]
without MS2830A-066, with MS2830A-008, Preamp: On
–156.5 dBm/Hz (300 MHz ≤ f < 1 GHz)
–155.5 dBm/Hz (1 GHz ≤ f < 2 GHz)
–153.5 dBm/Hz (2 GHz ≤ f ≤ 3.5 GHz)
–150.5 dBm/Hz (3.5 GHz < f ≤ 6 GHz) [MS2830A-041/043]
with MS2830A-066, without MS2830A-008, or Preamp: Off
–143.5 dBm/Hz (300 MHz ≤ f < 1 GHz)
–141.5 dBm/Hz (1 GHz ≤ f < 2.4 GHz)
–138.5 dBm/Hz (2.4 GHz ≤ f ≤ 3.5 GHz)
–135.5 dBm/Hz (3.5 GHz < f ≤ 6 GHz) [MS2830A-041/043]
–135.5 dBm/Hz (6 GHz < f ≤ 13.5 GHz) [MS2830A-043]
with MS2830A-066, MS2830A-008, Preamp: On
–153.5 dBm/Hz (300 MHz ≤ f < 1 GHz)
–152.5 dBm/Hz (1 GHz ≤ f < 2 GHz)
–149.5 dBm/Hz (2 GHz ≤ f ≤ 3.5 GHz)
–145.5 dBm/Hz (3.5 GHz < f ≤ 6 GHz) [MS2830A-041/043]
Image Response
with MS2830A-077/078, >31.25 MHz bandwidth
Image Response (Occurs at frequency 200 MHz away): 0 dBc (nominal, 300 MHz < f ≤ 13.5 GHz)
Linearity error
Excluding the noise floor effect
without MS2830A-008, or Preamp: Off
±0.07 dB (Mixer input level: ≤–20 dBm)
±0.10 dB (Mixer input level: ≤–10 dBm)
with MS2830A-008, Preamp: On
±0.07 dB (Preamp input level: ≤–40 dBm)
±0.10 dB (Preamp input level: ≤–30 dBm)
RF frequency characteristics
18° to 28°C, after CAL, Input attenuator: 10 dB, Frequency band mode: Normal
without MS2830A-008, or Preamp: Off
±0.35 dB (300 MHz ≤ f < 4 GHz)
±1.5 dB (4 GHz ≤ f ≤ 6 GHz)
±1.5 dB (6 GHz < f)
with MS2830A-008, Preamp: On
±0.65 dB (300 MHz ≤ f < 4 GHz)
±1.8 dB (4 GHz ≤ f ≤ 6 GHz)
Typical (typ.):
Performance not warranted. Must products meet typical performance.
Values not warranted. Included to facilitate application of product.
Performance not warranted. Data actually measured by randomly selected measuring instruments.
Product Brochure