Captured Waveforms Analysis using
Commercial Analysis Tools
Other digitizers may exhibit severe degradation of the RF channel
during capture, requiring troublesome calibration of the captured
data when using analysis tools.
The MS2830A uses high-performance RF and two built-in calibration
oscillators to minimize the degradation and eliminate the need for
calibration before using analysis tools.
The waveform data are saved to the internal hard disk and can be
output to an external PC via a high-speed interface, such as the
1000BASE-T LAN port.
Captured Waveform Output from Vector
Signal Generator Option
Waveforms captured using the digitizing function can be
regenerated by using with the optional MS2830A-020/021 Vector
Signal Generator. Signals captured in the field can be returned to
the lab for analysis by replaying the signal using the Signal
Signals captured from known good devices can provide a stable
reference to increase debugging efficiency and test reliability.
Signal Analyzer: Applications
Product Brochure