MS2830A-020 3.6 GHz Vector Signal Generator/MS2830A-021 6 GHz Vector Signal Generator
Use the MS2830A-021 for frequencies higher than 3.6 GHz.
The specifications of the MS2830A-020/021 are defined under the following conditions unless otherwise specified.
Pulse modulation: Off
after CAL
Waveform pattern RMS value: At RMSw (linear value) and each combination less than following ranges:
RMSnom = 20 • log (RMSw/4628) [16-bit data]
RMSnom = 20 • log (RMSw/2314) [15-bit data]
RMSnom = 20 • log (RMSw/1157) [14-bit data]
–3.00 dB ≤ RMSnom ≤ +3.00 dB
Pulse modulation: Off
250 kHz to 3.6 GHz [MS2830A-020]
250 kHz to 6 GHz [MS2830A-021]
0.01 Hz steps
Output level
Setting range
without MS2830A-022
–40 to +20 dBm (>25 MHz), –40 to +2 dBm (≤25 MHz)
with MS2830A-022
–136 to +15 dBm (>25 MHz), –136 to –3 dBm (≤25 MHz)
dBm, dBμV (terminated, open)
0.01 dB
Output level accuracy
18° to 28°C, CW
without MS2830A-022
Output level [p] (dBm)
±0.5 dB (typ., ≤25 MHz)
–40 ≤ p ≤ +2
±0.5 dB (typ., 25 MHz < f ≤ 375 MHz)
–40 ≤ p ≤ +9
±0.5 dB (375 MHz ≤ f ≤ 3.6 GHz)
–40 ≤ p ≤ +9
±0.8 dB (>3.6 GHz)
–40 ≤ p ≤ +4
with MS2830A-022
Output level [p] (dBm)
±1.0 dB (typ., ≤25 MHz)
–110 ≤ p ≤ –3
±1.0 dB (typ., 25 MHz < f < 100 MHz)
–110 ≤ p ≤ +4
±0.5 dB (typ., 100 MHz ≤ f < 375 GHz)
–110 ≤ p ≤ +4
±0.5 dB (375 MHz ≤ f ≤ 3.6 GHz)
–110 ≤ p ≤ +4
±0.8 dB (>3.6 GHz)
–110 ≤ p ≤ –1
±1.0 dB (100 MHz ≤ f ≤ 3.6 GHz)
–120 ≤ p < –110
±1.0 dB (typ., 100 MHz ≤ f ≤ 3.6 GHz)
–127 ≤ p < –120
±2.5 dB (typ., >3.6 GHz)
–127 ≤ p < –110
Output level linearity
18° to 28°C, CW
without MS2830A-022, Referenced to –10 dBm output
Output level [p] (dBm)
±0.2 dB (typ., ≤3.6 GHz)
–40 ≤ p ≤ –10
±0.3 dB (typ., >3.6 GHz)
–40 ≤ p ≤ –10
with MS2830A-022, Referenced to –15 dBm output
Output level [p] (dBm)
±0.2 dB (typ., ≤3.6 GHz)
–110 ≤ p ≤ –15
±0.3 dB (typ., >3.6 GHz)
–110 ≤ p ≤ –15
Output connector
N-J connector, 50Ω (Front panel, SG output)
18° to 28°C
without MS2830A-022, Output level ≤–10 dBm
1.5 (≤3.6 GHz), 2.0 (>3.6 GHz)
with MS2830A-022, Output level: ≤–15 dBm
1.3 (≤3.6 GHz), 1.9 (>3.6 GHz)
Max. reverse input
0 Vdc (max.)
without MS2830A-022
+12 dBm (<20 MHz), +24 dBm (≥20 MHz)
with MS2830A-022
+18 dBm (<20 MHz), +30 dBm (≥20 MHz)
Product Brochure