With the screen still flipped over, face down, connect the ribbon cable to the
left connector (BR2), so that it extends leftward of the screen, and the red edge
of the cable faces up/forward.
To attach the ribbon cable to the screen, place the PCB to the left of the
screen, and connect the free connector to HDR2, ensuring that the bump on
the connector aligns with the HDR2 text on the PCB. Also make sure all the
connector holes align with the header pins. The red edge of the ribbon cable
should be closest to the prototyping area of the PCB.
You’re now ready to power the screen up for testing! Although the buttons
are not yet attached for setting the time or switching the animations, once you
plug the power supply into the board and plug the supply into the wall, the display
Cable connected
to BR2
Cable extends to
left, and red edge
is at top/front
Cable connected
to HDR2 such that
bump on
connector is
aligned with HDR2
label on PCB