17. Place each 1.5” screw (MS4) into the back panel (text-side showing) holes
labeled “D”. Then, on the non-text / component side of the back panel, place
each 1” spacer (S3) on to each screw, followed by each 0.125” (S4) spacer.
For original Sure screens (chips/switch on LED side) and long ribbon
Locate the screen with the connected ribbon cable. Connect the loose
end of the ribbon cable to the PCB, ensuring the bump on the black connector is
aligned with the HDR2 text on the PCB. In this orientation, the red edge of the
ribbon cable will be closest to the prototyping area.
Place each 1.5”
screw into the
holes labeled ‘D”,
then place each 1”
spacer, followed by
each 0.125
spacer onto each
Connect the loose
end of the ribbon
cable to the PCB,
ensuring the bump
on the black
connector is
aligned with the
HDR2 text on the
PCB. Note, the red
of the ribbon
cable should be
closest to the