Abbreviations / terms
Edition 01/2014
contrAA 600
Abbreviations / terms
Electrothermal atomizer
Temperature-time programming / furnace program
EA operation
Operation with electrothermal atomizer
Analysis line
A spectral line defined by an analyzing instruction
Element to be analyzed
Sample is vaporized to produce atoms
Clean-out of the graphite tube furnace to a temperature at which all
sample residues in the furnace have been evaporated (i.e. furnace
Autozero for the analysis
Determination limit
The minimum weight (concentration) of the element to be analyzed
that can be determined with a defined precision. Also see detection
Reference solution
Solution which can contain the analyte in a known concentration,
and according to requirements, the chemicals used for creating the
sample solution. It may also contain the matrix components which
influence the measurements and which are also contained in the
sample solution.
Blank value solution
Solution which contains the chemicals which are used for creating
the sample solution but does not contain the sample matrix.
Characteristic mass
Mass of the element to be analyzed which yields an absorbance of
A = 0.0044 (corresponds to 1 % absorption); analog: "characteristic
Heating the graphite tube furnace via several predefined tempera-
ture set-points to the maximum temperature. The actual tempera-
tures are measured and by comparing rated and actual
temperatures, a correction factor for controlling the specific graphite
tube is calculated. A new graphite tube is "burned in" during this
Identity and weight. Identity data and weight/mass of a sample.
Continuum source
Radiator, the radiation of which is continually distributed over a
large wavelength range. The contrAA 600 uses a xenon lamp as an
excitation source.
Neutral value solution
Solution which contains the chemicals used for creating the sample
solution and also the components which influence the measurement
in the same or similar concentration as the sample to be analyzed.
No analyte is added to this solution.
A method includes all data required for the analysis of samples of a
specific element, i.e. the spectrometer, atomizer, calibration, sam-
ple, autosampler and QC settings, if necessary also the settings for
the QC charts and the results windows (if these parameters have
been included in the method).
Methods can be saved and reloaded. When changing from one
method to another, all ASpect CS settings are transferred to the
new analysis task.
Measurement solution Any solution that is measured directly.