Installation and start-up
contrAA 600
Edition 01/2014
Notes on installing the automatic solid
autosampler SSA 600
Switch off the contrAA 600 before installing the SSA 600!
The electronics of the contrAA 600 are very sensitive. Damage due to connection or discon-
nection of electrical plug-in contacts may occur.
The eccentric back-up rolls must be premounted for hanging the solid autosampler SSA 600
so that they can still be rotated!
1. In the sample chamber, screw the holding pin onto the left AS-GF support and loosely
screw the crossbar onto the right AS-GF support
Fig. 29
Attaching holding pin and crossbar to the AS-GF support in the sample chamber
2. Attach the eccentric roll Fig. 30 accordingly.
3. As soon as the SSA 600 is positioned in the AS-GF mount, press the eccentric roll
against the right sample chamber wall and fasten.
Fig. 30
Position of the eccentric roll at the SSA 600