Functions and setup of the contrAA 600
Edition 01/2014
contrAA 600
1, 4 Cylinder for furnace windows
2, 3 Holder: Cone attachment
Fig. 11
Graphite tube furnace
When changing from the normal tube to the platform tube or to the solid analysis, bear in
mind that the platform tube covers the free opening for the beam passage on one side. The
graphite tube furnace can be aligned with the beam path by means of a sensitive vertical
drive in the holder.
Graphite tube variations, furnace parts and inserts
Standard graphite tube
Graphite tube for solid analysis
Graphite tube with PIN platform
Graphite tube, standard
Graphite tube for solid analysis
Graphite tube with PIN platform
Fig. 12
Graphite tube variations
Graphite tube variation
Sample volumes
Standard graphite tube
max. 50 µL
Aqueous samples (samples not requiring
complex analysis)
Alternative for solids (solid technology)
Graphite tube with PIN platform
max. 50 µL
Aqueous samples
Standard graphite tube for solids analysis
(without dosing opening)
Solids (solid technology)
Table 4
Use and sample volume of different graphite tube variations