Installation and Setup
Instruction Manual – DXLink Fiber Transmitters and Receivers
Optional Accessories for USB Transport
CC-USB, USB Programming Cable (FG10-5965)
Order this optional programming cable for connecting to a PC (for use with DXLink Fiber Transmitters only).
CC-MINIUSB, Mini USB to PC Cable Adapter (FG5967-20)
Order this optional cable adapter for connecting a keyboard/mouse device to the DXLink Receiver (for use with DXLink
Fiber Receivers only).
ID Pushbutton Functions
The ID Pushbutton is located on the right front of the DXLink Fiber units.
The ID Pushbutton can be used to perform four types of initial configuration settings:
Toggle between DHCP and static IP addressing
Assign a device address
Reset the factory default settings
Restore the factory firmware image
The functions performed depend on when and for how long the ID Pushbutton is pressed and held. For complete
ID Pushbutton information, see page 68.
ID Pushbutton functions can also be implemented using Telnet commands (see page 104).
Unidirectional Mode LAN Configuration
The only method for enabling IR, RS-232, or USB in Unidirectional Mode (with either Duplex or Simplex units)
requires connecting the system to a LAN since the Ethernet path via fiber (which normally provides network support) is
not enabled. Only one fiber is active, and it only passes audio and video. The following procedure applies to DXLink
Fiber, Duplex units in Data Link-lost or in Unidirectional Mode and also applies to DXLink Fiber, Simplex units. We
recommend reconfiguring Data Link-lost Mode hardware into Unidirectional Mode before starting the procedure below.
To enable IR, USB, and Serial Communication:
Recommended – Reconfigure hardware in Data Link-lost Mode for Unidirectional Mode prior to enabling IR,
RS-232, USB, and NetLinx access of the device to a connected central control processor (NetLinx Master).
Connect each Transmitter and/or Receiver to a LAN with a central controller via the unit’s ICS LAN port.
Flip DIP switch #1 and DIP switch #3 to the ON position.
Cycle power to the unit and allow it a few seconds to reboot.
Connect to the unit via NetLinx Studio (v4.0 or later) and use SEND_COMMANDs to communicate with the unit
(see page 77).