Network Configuration
Hardware Instruction Manual – DXLink™ Twisted Pair Transmitters/Receiver
Offline Recovery Mechanism for DXLink Devices
Offline Recovery Mechanism
– A new, optional, recovery mechanism for DXLink devices in the rare occurrence that these devices
move from online to offline status for an extended period of time.
The default setting for the recovery mechanism is OFF, but may be enabled for environments where the DXLink device could lose
connectivity to the Master for 5 minutes or longer.
A reboot is required after setting the recovery mechanism before the new setting takes effect.
The following Telnet Commands enable, disable, and query the Offline Recovery Mechanism:
Set recovery mechanism to ON: WD ON
Set recovery mechanism to OFF: WD OFF
Query recovery mechanism’s current status: WD
Once the device’s recovery mechanism is set to the ON state via Telnet, the recovery mechanism monitors the ICSP connection to
the Master. The recovery mechanism is not armed until the DXLink device is brought online. Entering an offline state triggers an
internal timer in the DXLink device which, after 5 continuous minutes in the offline state, in turn triggers the recovery mechanism to
issue a full reboot command to the DXLink device. During this time the DXLink device will reboot and all functions (including video
and audio delivery) will be disabled while the reboot occurs. This process takes up to 45 seconds to complete.
This functionality is an option intended to be a safety net for the rare occasions when a device falls offline and remains there for
a long enough period of time that the likelihood of the device coming back online on its own diminishes. The reboot is intended to
restart the device and allow it another opportunity to connect with the Master it is bound to.
Usage considerations include:
Once a device reboots, the recovery mechanism will not become armed again until the device reaches an online state
with a Master.
Because video is lost during the reboot process, consideration should be given to certain installation designs where a
Master or the network connection between the Master and a DXLink endpoint might regularly be disabled or turned off,
but video might continue to flow through the DXLink device. In these environments, we recommend not enabling the
Offline Recovery Mechanism.
Additional capabilities of recovery mechanism – Although highly unlikely, the recovery mechanism also monitors the
following states and provides a self-recovery mechanism if these states are ever encountered.
If a DXLink device processor enters an unstable processing condition
If the DXLink device’s allowable minimum memory threshold is exceeded