Network Configuration
Hardware Instruction Manual – DXLink™ Twisted Pair Transmitters/Receiver
To reset a Transmitter or Receiver Module to its factory default settings:
Press and hold the ID Pushbutton while plugging in the power connector. Start counting when the NetLinx LEDs begin to flash
in unison, not when the power connector is inserted.
Once the Transmitter or Receiver Module has started booting up, both NetLinx LEDs flash in unison at the rate of once per
After 10 flashes at that rate, the LEDs will blink in unison at a faster rate.
A press-and-hold of the ID Pushbutton at power up will prevent the Transmitter or Receiver from attempting to come online
until the ID Pushbutton is released. The Transmitter or Receiver will only attempt to come online if you release the Pushbutton prior to
the faster blink rate.
At the point that the blink rate increases, release the ID Pushbutton.
The Transmitter or Receiver will automatically reboot to complete the process.
To reset Wallplate TX or Decor Wallplate TX to its factory default settings:
The ID Pushbutton and the Reset button are located on the left edge of the Wallplate TX and on the front of the Decor
Wallplate TX.
Press and hold the ID Pushbutton. While the ID Pushbutton is down, press and release the Reset button. Start counting when
the NetLinx LEDs begin to flash in unison, not when the Reset button is released.
Once the unit has started booting up, both NetLinx LEDs (on bottom edge) flash in unison at the rate of once per second.
After 10 flashes at that rate, the LEDs will blink in unison at a faster rate.
A press-and-hold of the ID Pushbutton at boot will prevent the unit from attempting to come online until the ID Pushbutton is
released. The unit will only attempt to come online if you release the Pushbutton prior to the faster blink rate.
At the point that the blink rate increases, release the ID Pushbutton.
The unit will automatically reboot to complete the process.
In the following two procedures – if you start a press and hold sequence with the ID Pushbutton and then decide not to change
the settings, before you release the ID Pushbutton remove power from the unit to abort the procedure (remember, power can be
applied via the external power supply or over DXLink, so one or both sources of power may need to be removed).
Restore the Factory Firmware Image and Factory Default Parameters
During power up – if the ID Pushbutton is held until the Control/NetLinx LEDs toggle back and forth in unison approximately
30 times (10 slow, 20 fast) and then released when they go solid, the module’s factory firmware image will be restored. This
procedure affects both the firmware version and the parameters.
Instructions for the modules are given first followed by the instructions for the Wallplate TX and the Decor Wallplate TX, which
receive power over DXLink from the switcher, PDXL-2 (FG1090-170), or PS-POE-AT-TC (FG423-84).
If a Transmitter or Receiver Module is receiving power from a switcher, on the module disconnect the RJ-45 cable from
the DXLink connector before starting the instructions below.
To restore the Transmitter or Receiver Module to its factory default firmware image:
Press and hold the ID Pushbutton while plugging in the power connector (if the power source is a switcher, plug in the RJ-45
connector into the DXLink port instead). Start counting when the NetLinx LEDs begin to flash in unison, not when the power
connector is inserted.
After the LEDs complete the following sequence, release the ID Pushbutton:
Once the Transmitter or Receiver has started booting up, all LEDs flash in unison at the rate of once per second.
After 10 flashes at that rate, the LEDs will blink in unison at a faster rate.
After 10 seconds of flashing at the increased rate, all LEDs go to solid on.
Upon release of the ID Pushbutton, the Transmitter or Receiver executes the following actions:
Restores itself to its factory firmware image.
Resets to factory default parameters*:
Deletes all IRL files stored on the device.
Resets to the default static IP address of and default DHCP address of
Resets to the default device number of 0 (when bound to a Master, receives a dynamic device number from the Master).
Resets to NDP mode and being unbound.
Once all actions in Step 3 are completed, the LEDs all turn off, indicating the Transmitter or Receiver is ready to reboot.
The Transmitter or Receiver automatically reboots to complete the process.
* For a complete list of factory parameters, see the table on page 55.