Appendix A: Programming Worksheets
Setup Alarms Worksheet-
(Make copies of the worksheet to support all alarms)
Number: ___
Type: _______
Location: ____________________________
Input #1: _________________________________________________
Which camera's video will be displayed, and output initiated, when input
#1 changes to its abnormal state?
Which of the following do you want to be displayed when input #1
changes to its abnormal state: a Quick View, a Pattern, or a fixed shot?
What is the specific number assigned to the Quick View or Pattern that
will be displayed when input #1 changes to its abnormal state? (Leave
blank if it is a fixed shot.)
If you want an output to be initiated when input #1 changes to its
abnormal state, what is the specific number assigned to that output?
(Leave blank if there will not be an output.)
Input #2: _________________________________________________
Which camera's video is displayed and output initiated?
Action Type: Quick View, Pattern, or fixed shot?
Number of Quick View or Pattern? (Blank for fixed shot)
Number of Output? (Leave blank if no output.)
Input #3: _________________________________________________
Which camera's video is displayed and output initiated?
Action Type: Quick View, Pattern, or fixed shot?
Number of Quick View or Pattern? (Blank for fixed shot)
Number of Output? (Leave blank if no output.)
Input #4: _________________________________________________
Which camera's video is displayed and output initiated?
Action Type: Quick View, Pattern, or fixed shot?
Number of Quick View or Pattern? (Blank for fixed shot)
Number of Output? (Leave blank if no output.)