Operator's Manual
Even though you can only see the information for one alarm input at a
time, each camera can have four alarm inputs.
When the T
is in the menu/programming mode, the
Tracker Ball enables you to move the cursor around on the LCD. The
blinking square on the LCD indicates the cursor's location. Move the
Tracker Ball left and right to move the cursor among the fields on the
When the setup alarm LCD is first displayed, the cursor is in the
field for input 1 of the camera you indicated.
Is this the alarm input that you want to configure? If so, continue with
Step 6 now.
If this is not the alarm input you want to configure, use the Tracker Ball
to scroll through the available inputs until the appropriate input appears
in the input field.
In the Cam field, indicate the camera whose Quick View, Pattern, or
fixed shot appears when this alarm is triggered. This is the same camera
whose output initiates when the alarm is triggered. Use the number
buttons on the keypad to enter the camera number.
Move the Tracker Ball to the right move the cursor to the next field.
Choose one of the following:
Do you want a Quick View to be displayed when this alarm is
triggered? If so, use the number buttons to indicate the specific
Quick View (1 - 96).
Do you want a Pattern to be displayed when this alarm is
triggered? If so, press the
button, and then use the
number buttons to indicate the specific Pattern (1 - 3).
Do you want a fixed shot to be displayed when this alarm is
triggered? If so, press the
button, but do not enter any
number in this field. When this alarm is triggered, you will see