Version 1.1.1 dated February 25th, 2013
Page 60
Original operating instructions
first axis of the two axes which belong to the coordinate layer display the coordinate
value relative to the current position. The second digit from the left of the second axis
"A" and at the right the inclination value is displayed relative to the inclined line. If this
value is zero the part is machined with a tool on the inclined line. The remaining axis
is displayed as standard without relation to the selected coordinate layer.
When the entry value of the angle equals 0°, 90° or an integer multiple the entry is
invalid. Then you have to enter the correct value of the angle once again.
II. In the operating mode
the operator can change the first axis thus the displayed values of the first axis are changed
on the digital display. The operator can change the second axis with the other hand so that
the value which is displayed for the second axis by the digital display (e.g. the value after
"A") in order that this value approaches zero so that the tool does not move along the
inclined line which had been determined by the entry angle.
III. After completing the machining
of the inclined line press the key
in order to go back to the standard display. In the
mode machining inclined line press the key
in order to interrupt this function and to go
back to the standard display except for the above described cases.
6.15 Arc machining function
Introduction of the function:
To execute an arc machining operation on the selected coordinate layer.
A description of the parameters has to determine the following points:
- Centre (ACEN): Means the position of the arc centre with reference to the tool centre
when it is aligned and released.
- Arc radius (SE-d): The arc radius which needs to be machined.
- Outer/inner arc (OU-S): The arc which needs to be machined is an outer or an
inner arc.
- Tool diameter (CU-D): The tool diameter for the arc machining.
- Starting point position (S Po): Coordinates of the starting point for the arc which needs
to be machined.
- End point position (E Po): Coordinates of the end point of the arc machining.
- Maximum machining scope (CUT): Maximum machining scope of each machining.
I. Entering parameters:
Press the key
by which you can enter the arc machining function and the display
at the top right displays
and indicates that you can enter the coordina-
tes of the centre. The XY coordinate layer is the standard layer. The position of the cur-
rent coordinates is taken as standard centre coordinates and displayed in the
corresponding coordinate axis. The axes which are not assigned to the current
coordinate layer are not