Initial Values
Set Value Range
Initial Value
Pay period ending date,
Pay period ending day,
Current week
01~31, 1~7, 1~2
31 (ending on 31st)
01 (1st row)
Day change time
Time 00~23
03 (3 : 00 (midnight) )
Print format
Card Type
0 : Monthly pay surface detection not operational
1 : Monthly pay surface detection operational
2 : Upper step weekly pay (Bottom space : 23mm)
3 : Upper step weekly pay (Bottom space : 35mm)
4 : Lower step weekly pay (Bottom space : 23mm)
5 : Lower step weekly pay (Bottom space : 35mm)
6 : Bi-weekly pay (Bottom space : 23mm)
7 : Bi-weekly pay (Bottom space : 35mm)
0 : Monthly pay surface detection
not operational
Shifting Print position manually
1 : “Shifting print position manually” operational
2 : “Shifting print position manually” not operational
1 : “Shifting print position manually”
Indication Change-over
1 : 24-hour indication
2 : 12-hour indication
1 : 24hour indication
Print Format
1 : 24 hours (0~23 hours) (0 is not printed at the
tens digit of hour. Example : 9 : 00)
2 : 12 hours (AM/PM hours) (Minute is underlined
for PM. Example : 9 : 00)
3 : 24 hours (0~23 hours) (0 is printed at the tens
digit of hour. Example : 09 : 00)
1 : 24hours
Minute Indication
1 : Minutes 2 : 1/100 hour A
3 : 1/100 hour B 4 : 1/10 hour
1 : Minutes
Day of the week indication
0 : Date 1 : English 2 : Spanish
3 : French 4 : German 5 : Italian
6 : Japanese 7 : DAY NO. (1~7)
8 : No indication
0 : Date
Daylight savings time
Daylight savings time starting date
Execution time : 0 : 00~9 : 00
Daylight savings time Ending date
Execution time : 0 : 00 ~9 : 00
yyyy. 1. 1.
yyyy. 1. 1.