Operating Instructions PA-xxP
961-00035 rev11
Configuration Screen
This screen enables the configuration of the welder to be changed. This screen is
password protected, and requires the user password to be entered.
Fault timing.
This provides a timed control over the fault indication status lines. Timed
signals are held asserted for the timed period as set.
Basic Logging.
Upon weld termination, basic weld information is transmitted from the
RS232 port.
Basic data comprises : Output Number, Profile Number, Pulse 1 energy, Pulse 2 energy,
Fault code
Full Logging.
Upon weld termination, comprehensive weld information is transmitted
from the RS232 port.
Full logging data comprises : Output Number, Profile Number, Pulse 1 energy, Pulse 2
energy, Fault code,
Pulse 1 High Limit, Pulse 1 Low Limit, Pulse 2 High Limit, Pulse 2 Low Limit, Weldcount
for the output, Fault count for the output, Pulse 1 graphical trace (100 points), Pulse 2
graphical trace (100 points)
I/O ouput
. This is the logic of the digital outputs either normal, or inverted.
Changes the current default language for the display.
This screen is password protected, and requires the Amada Weld Tech
engineer password to be entered.
Fault timing.
This provides a timed control over the fault indication status lines. Timed
signals are held asserted for the timed period as set.
Selects either 50ms, 100ms, 200ms, or
LATCHED for the output fault signals.
Resets the weld and fault counters shown
on the run (auto mode) display.
Exit to main menu.
Enters calibration
mode. For Amada
Weld Tech engineers
only, requires the MWS
Either 9600, 38400
or 57600 Baud rate.
Selects either Full or
Basic mode.
Either on or off.
Normal or inverted IO.
Select Language.