Operating Instructions PA-xxP
961-00035 rev11
Setup (Man mode) Load Screen
This screen enables a profile to be loaded into setup mode for manual welding. The
boxes on the right hand side show 5 of the profile memory locations. Pressing the buttons
above and below these boxes scroll up and down the 99 profile memory locations. The
single arrows move 5 increments, and the double arrows move 10 increments.
To view the profile (before loading into the system), touch the appropriate profile from the
ones listed on the right. The data for this profile is then shown in the VIEW PROFILE
window. If this is the required data, to load the profile, touch the LOAD button.
View Profile Window.
This details the data within the profile. Hi_V and Lo_V are the high
and low voltage limits. Hi_E and Lo_E are the high and low energy limits. If the limits are
turned off for this profile, then they are not displayed.
Moves in
increments of 10
Moves in increments of
5 profiles.
Profile list. Shows
5 profiles. Press
one to view data in
Moves in
increments of 10
Returns to
previous screen.
Moves in increments of
5 profiles.
Enables profile to
be viewed before it
is loaded.
Loads profile into
the setup (man
mode ) editor.