Operating Instructions PA-xxP
961-00035 rev11
Memory Organisation
Memory Locations (Profiles)
The PAxxP has 99 memory locations each of which is able to store the complete details
of either a single or double pulse weld profile. In order to identify the memories, each
location is given a number between 1 and 99.
The memory system uses a special memory location internally to store and display
temporary data. This is known as the scratchpad.
Scratchpad Memory
When a program is loaded, it is loaded into the scratchpad. This allows the parameters
to be changed without affecting the data in the original memory store.
Upon loading a profile from memory, the memory location will be displayed as
x in the middle of the display. If the user changes this data, the
x value
background will change to red to indicate that the current Program is different to the
saved Program.
This indicates that the scratchpad now contains data which is different from that which
was originally loaded.
If the user wishes to save and use the modified data, the scratchpad memory must be