Operating Instructions PA-xxP
961-00035 rev11
Run (Auto mode) Monitor Screen
This screen only enables the user to view data. No data can be edited. To edit profiles
use the profile editor.
From the output monitor screen, it is possible to select either a display of the voltage
waveform, an energy trend graph for the last 1000 welds or a fault information screen,
showing detailed information for the last weld. These are detailed on the following two
Voltage Graph.
This shows the voltage waveform for the selected profile (this is set on
this screen). The graph updates each time a weld is carried out on this profile, on this
output. If the voltage limits are enabled for this profile, then these are also displayed, as
red horizontal lines. The vertical scale is 0v to 100v. The time scale is the width of the
profile. The yellow vertical lines indicate the beginning and end of the peak period.
Weld Light.
This turns green to indicate a weld has been triggered on this output. If
remote programs are selected, this light will flash every time, however, the graph will only
update for the selected profile.
Fault Light.
This turns red to indicate a fault on the output. See
weld light
re update of
Shows if
Modulation is
selected on this
profile. Press
arrow to go to
second pulse.
Enable/Disable Energy limits. Turns GREEN
to indicate limits enabled/on.
Monitor button. Press to
view graphs.
Exit returns to
main monitor
Press to load a profile
into the output.
Enable/Disable Voltage limits. Turns
GREEN to indicate limits enabled/on.
Displays Current
Profile number
And name.
Turns RED on a
fault, press for
energy of
weld pulse.
Minimum and
Maximum voltage
measured during
peak period.