H - Master
5.9 Average Between 2 Last Measurements
Media tra le ultime 2 Misure
Averages :Medie
M1= Between 2 centerlines / Tra 2 linee mediane
M2= Between 2 heights / Tra 2 altezze
M3= Between Min et Max / Tra Min e Max
M12 = Between centreline and height / Tra centro ed altezza
M13 = Between centreline and Min or Max / Tra centro e Min o Max
M23 = Between height and Min or Max / Tra altezza e Min o Max
By pressing this key, the average between the 2 last height measurements,
centerline, Min or Max is determined. These various measurements can be
combined with each other.
Premendo il tasto indicato viene visualizzata la mediana delle due ultime misure,
centri, min/max
It is possible, after calculation of an average value, to give the calculated position
a zero value or Preset value.
E’ possibile, dopo il calcolo di una mediana, impostare tale valore come preset o
riferimento (zero)
5.10 Difference Between 2 Last Measurements
Differenza tra le ultime 2 misure
D1= Between 2 centerlines / Tra 2 centri
D2= Between 2 heights / Tra 2 altezze
D3= Between 2 values Min-Min, Min-Max or Max-Max
Tra 2 valori Min-Min, Min-Max o Max-Max
D12= Between centreline and height / Tra centro e altezza
D13= Between centreline and Min or Max / Tra centro e Min o Max
D23= Between height and Min or Max / Tra altezza e Min o Max
By pressing the difference key, the distance between the 2 last height
measurements, centerline, Min or Max is determined and mentioned on the 2nd
line of the display. These various measurements can be combined with each
Premendo il taso differenza indicato, viene visualizzata la distanza tra le ultime
due misure sulla seconda linea del display.