PDA Mobile Software User's Guide
23.2 Edit Cell Data
On the Main Page, select the string name. To edit readings for a cell, on the
View String Data page, select that cell number. The Edit Cell box appears.
Figure 37. Edit Cell Data
The figure above shows a typical page with Cell 5 selected. Edit the readings
and press OK.
To edit readings
: Press the stylus on the data to be edited, then press the 123
button on the PDA. Edit the number, then press Done.
23.3 Insert Readings
On the Main Page, select the string name. On the View String Data page,
select the cell you want to insert a reading before or after, then press Insert
on the Edit Cell box. On the Insert Readings box, enter the new data, select
Insert Before or Insert After, then press OK.
Figure 38. Insert Readings