Departement of international trade:
This parameter affects the operation of the device only if MM search mode
is enabled in the program involved.
GS FILTER [OFF., 1..15].
Switching to the “MM” operating mode, the
device begins to process signals according to an accelerated, but sig-
nificantly complicated algorithm. Here often the effect of the so-called
“fragmentation” of signals from the target (not to be confused with the
fragmentation of the signal in the nearest zone) may arise, i.e. one target
can give several sound signals, especially in conditions of electromagnet-
ic interference (EMI). This option is used to minimize this effect. Again,
the value of this parameter is selected experimentally, for a specific
search location.
The default filtering level is 6. This parameter affects the
operation of the device only if MM search mode is enabled in the program
GS Filter [Off / 1..80]
. is a filter of false ground signals. It is based on a
mathematical algorithm that, according to a number of physical attrib-
utes, separates the signals of metal targets, filtering them for sounding,
and the signals of the difference in soil mineralization, which are not
sounded. This is necessary when working on wet salted soils (for exam-
ple, spring arable land saturated with fertilizers).
The filter is especially effective when using large sensors (10 ’and
12.5’x9.5’) operating at high frequencies (14-20 kHz). This is due to the
peculiarities of the interaction of such sensors with highly conductive
The discreteness of this filter is calculated as follows: 4 filter units = 1
degree of the instrument scale. That is, in order to set the GS filter at 3
degrees (in the VDI 89, +88, +87), the filter value must be 12.
The filter is configured separately for each program.
Features of the GS Filter in various search modes.
In all search modes, except the Deep Program, even if the GS Filter
value is set to Off, it continues to affect the RT signal in the zone of 3
degrees from the ground balance, that is, the RT signals in sectors - / +
89, 88, 87 VDI. In this case, the ST signal is not affected.
When the filter is turned on, it begins to cut off the voicing of false