Departement of international trade:
Rocks. Optionally the software can be switched off. The inclusion of
DHR is reflected on the screen in the form of an inscription of “HR” in
the upper right-hand corner under the low-battery indicator. Reaction
to these in the RT channel remains.
The algorithm is turned off automatically in the program “MM”
Advice from an experienced searcher:
This algorithm is one that for the sake of comfort too increases the risk
of missing some useful targets. I recommend to do without turning it on,
especially when searching on a plowed field.
Speed AT (Autotrak) [off/1 .. 6].
This option allows you to set the speed
limit of the auto tracking of the ground (not to be confused with balanc-
ing on a ground). Auto tracking allows the device to automatically adjust
to the slow changes of temperature and salinity of the soil. It should be
noted that this action should in no way replace the procedure for ground
balancing, and only adjusts the balance of soil in small amounts dur-
ing the search. In some cases (large amounts of metal trash or a cluster
of hot stones) AT may not work properly. In these circumstances, you
should disable the AT.
If the device has not been used for a long time, for correct opera-
tion of auto tracking it is necessary to ground balance.
Gain [1..10].
This parameter is used to set the sensitivity of the device in
the Real Time and Identification channels at the same time. In most
cases, we recommend that this value is not set to more than 7. Smaller
values can be useful, for example, to search for large objects that are not
deep or in trashy areas
Shift Frequency
This parameter regulates the shift of the operating fre-
quency. It has 10 “steps” in the direction of decreasing and increasing
the operating frequency of the device.
First 5 “steps”
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5 clicking in any direction of the offset)- this
parameter reduces the effect of the mutual influence of devices oper-
ating in close proximity to each other. By adjusting this parameter, on