HELO Plus H.264 Streaming and Recording Encoder v1.0 33 www.aja.com
Record Output Screen
Recording Encoder
Selects which Encoder (1 or 2) will be used for recording. Factory default is 1.
Primary Recording Media Type
Selects whether primary recordings go to SD Card, USB, or an SMB or NFS
Network file share. SMB shares are commonly used on Windows servers. NFS
shares are commonly used on Unix-style servers, such as Linux and macOS X.
Different parameters are shown depending on the media type. Select from:
SD -
Record to the media inserted into the SD Card slot.
Record to the media connected to the standard size USB Storage port
(factory default).
SMB Network Share -
Record to Windows shares. When SMB Network Share
is selected, additional controls display so you can enter your network
NOTE: To tell if the SMB server is writable, HELO Plus writes a test file to the remote server,
then deletes it. If the process works, HELO Plus knows that the server is writable.
However, it is possible to configure the server to allow HELO Plus to be able to
write files, but not delete them. If you are seeing numerous test files on your SMB
server, check your server configuration to make sure that HELO Plus has both
write access and delete access.
NFS Network Share -
Record to Network File System for Unix-based systems
such as Linux and macOS.