HELO Plus H.264 Streaming and Recording Encoder v1.0 30 www.aja.com
One example would be to use Encoder 1 to drive both stream outputs, but
configure the Stream 1 output with RTMP and an RTMP end point on one
CDN, and configure the Stream 2 output with HLS for a second CDN. Another
example would be to configure the two Encoders differently (high quality and
lower quality), with the Encoder 1 > Stream Output 1 destined for recording and
premium streaming, and the Encoder 2 > Stream 2 output for more efficient
lower bandwidth streaming.
Stream 1 Enable
Enables (factory default) or Disables Stream (1 or 2).
Stream 1 Encoder
Selects which Encoder (1 or 2) will be used as the source for Stream 1. Factory
default is Encoder 1.
Stream Type
Selects the type of stream (factory default is HLS). Different parameters are
available depending on the selection.
RTMP is a "push" protocol usually used to deliver content to a CDN. In this case,
HELO Plus starts and stops the connection and delivery. By default, outgoing
connections are made on port TCP 1935 for RTMP streaming. A different port
number may be specified in the RTMP URL. For example, to specify port number
1935, the URL would follow this format:
IMPORTANT: For RTMP streaming, HELO Plus must be configured to operate with a
Content Delivery Network (CDN), using information provided for that specific
network. See
"Chapter 5 CDNs and Clients" on page 60
for more information.
When RTMP is selected, the following parameters are available:
• RTMP Server URL
• RTMP Stream Key/Name - If multiple streams are being sent to the same CDN
at the same server URL (say, two HELO Pluses streaming from two different
cameras), these stream key/names must be unique.
• RTMP Username - Applies when Adobe Authorization is used by the server.
• RTMP Password - Applies when Adobe Authorization is used by the server.
• RTMP Handshake Mode is designed to automatically try different ways of
applying your RTMP stream name, URL, port, and key/name information in
order to make a connection. RTMP Handshake Mode defaults to Auto. If it
has a hard time connecting, it will try each successive mode (Mode 1, Mode
2, Mode 3, Mode 4). In the event that Auto mode does not succeed with your
CDN, try the different modes by selecting them manually to see which one
NOTE: If the stream connects to the CDN and seems to be working, but the video is blank
or missing, try using a different forced RTMP mode to correct it.
NOTE: If incorrect RTMP settings are entered, streaming won't occur and an Invalid
Selection warning message appears until RTMP has a correct configuration. To
make the message go away, choose RTSP with default values, since RTSP doesn't
require a receiver.