HELO Plus H.264 Streaming and Recording Encoder v1.0 40 www.aja.com
Figure 8. Local Calendar User Preferences
Import/Export Local Calendar File
When "Local" is selected for Schedule Source, the Import/Export Local Calendar
File control displays. This control provides a method for downloading and
uploading calendar files.
If you have uploaded a local calendar, its filename will display. If you have not
uploaded a local calendar, the default name will be based on the factory default
system name, and will be something like "aja-HELO Plus-1HE000277-local.ics."
You can download the calendar file to your computer by clicking on its filename.
It will contain any events you have created on HELO Plus. This is true even if you
have not first uploaded a calendar.
To upload a calendar, the Scheduler must be "Disabled." When disabled, a
Choose File
button displays directly beneath the calendar filename. Click the
Choose File
button to open a navigation window. Select the calendar file you
want to upload, then click
. The uploaded calendar filename now displays.
When importing and re-exporting local calendars, HELO Plus discards some fields
it doesn't use the first time you make an edit, including attachments.
Creating, Editing or Deleting Local Calendar Events
You must be in "local" mode to create, edit, or delete events. In remote mode, the
calendar is read-only.
To Create a New Local Event
1. Make sure you have selected "Enabled" from the Scheduler control.
2. Double-click on the calendar. A new event window pops up.
3. Enter a description in the Description field. Enter any details that would be
useful to include in the Details field.
4. For a repeating event, click the
button on the right side of the
Repeat event
Repeat event
controls display.
NOTE: Exceptions to repeating events, such as changes to or deletions of a single event
in a series, are not supported with v1.0 HELO Plus firmware.
5. Use the Full day checkbox to indicate whether or not it is a full-day event.
6. Select the start date field to bring up a calendar. Click the date you want to
7. Select the start time field to bring up a clock. Select the hour, minute and
AM/PM settings. (AM/PM is a choice if you are not in 24-hour clock mode.)
8. At the bottom of the clock display, select Done.
9. Repeat this same process to select the ending date and time for your event.
10. Select Save. Your new event will display on the calendar.