Web Management
AirLive AirMax4GW User’s Manual
Meeting Rooms segment with VLAN ID 11. The VLAN group is equipped with
DHCP-2 server to construct a 192.168.11.x subnet for Intranet only. That is, any
client host in VLAN 11 group can’t access the Internet. However, he configures
Office segment with VLAN ID 10. The VLAN group is equipped with DHCP-1
server to construct a 192.168.10.x subnet. In this example, VLAN 10 and 12
groups can access the Internet as following diagram.
VLAN Group Access Control
Administrator can specify the Internet access right for all VLAN groups. He also
can configure which VLAN groups can communicate each other.
VLAN Group Internet Access
Administrator can specify members of one VLAN group to be able to access
Internet or not. Following is an example that VLAN groups of VID is 1 and 4
can access Internet but the one with VID is 3 can’t. That is, visitors in Lobby and
staffs in office can access Internet. But ones in Lab can’t since security issue.
Servers in Lab serve only for trusted staffs or are accessed in secure tunnels.
Inter VLAN Group Routing:
In Port-based tagging, administrator can specify member hosts of one VLAN group
to be able to communicate with the ones of another VLAN group or not. This is
a communication pair, and one VLAN group can join many communication pairs.
But communication pair has not the transitive property. That is, A can communicate
with B, and B can communicate with C, that doesn’t mean A can communicate
with C. An example is shown at following diagram. VLAN groups of VID is 1 and 3
can access each other but the ones between VID 3 and VID 4 and between VID
1 and VID 4 can’t. Port-Based VLAN
A port-based VLAN is a group of ports on an Ethernet switch or router that form a
logical Ethernet segment. It also can integrate some WiFi virtual APs into the group to
own same access policies and bandwidth policies. But the device has only one