Web Management
AirLive AirMax4GW User’s Manual
default, “SIM-A First” scenario is used to connect to mobile system for data
transferring. If using “SIM-A First” scenario, the gateway will try to connect to
the Internet by using SIM-A card first. And when the connection is broken,
gateway system will switch to use SIM-B card for an alternate automatically.
System will not switch back to use SIM-A card unless SIM-B connection is
also broken. That is, SIM-A and SIM-B are used iteratively, but either one will
keep being used for data transferring when current connection is still alive. In
the same way, the gateway will try to connect to the Internet by using SIM-B
card first if choosing “SIM-B First”. However, when “SIM-A Only” or “SIM-B
Only” is used, that means the specified SIM slot of card is the ONLY one to be
used for negotiation parameters between gateway device and mobile base
When you select “SIM-A First” or “SIM-A Only”, there will be a
configuration window of "Connection with SIM-A Card" beneath the "3G/4G
WAN Type Configuration" window. However, when you select “SIM-B First”
or “SIM-B Only”, there will be a configuration window of "Connection with
SIM-B Card" beneath the "3G/4G WAN Type Configuration" window. All
configuration items are the same in SIM-A and SIM-B configuration.
Furthermore, there is also a common configuration window for 3G/4G
connection after "3G/4G WAN Type Configuration" window, "Connection
with SIM-A Card" window and "Connection with SIM-B Card" window.